The insurance premiums of the commercial ones will increase by a lot of this happens too much.
The insurance premiums of the commercial ones will increase by a lot of this happens too much.
Starfield wasn’t a bad game so of course people could enjoy it. I believe what the other camp was upset about is the huge flaws it had and what it could’ve been.
Funny, but aside from that they will also need approval in Europe and some other countries.
Considering the difficulties Microsoft had buying up Activision, I don’t think they will be allowed to buy up another game company of any remotely big size.
Still requires a much higher initial investment along with maintenance. Which I believe will be harder to get approval for than just different trains. Another factor could also be that the tracks are maybe not owned by the train companies. Making it even more difficult to get any large investments in electrification approved.
Wasn’t that one expensive or hard to get?
Whether they directly pass the costs or indirectly, these are still costs made by the seller. In other words either the costs are passed on by the credit card customers or simply all customers. Somebody has to pay for the costs and in the end the seller has to make some profit to survive.
Xitter may have taken in more loans after Elon’s take over. But a company can’t borrow money to buy itself. So yea his assets are very much on the line. I wonder what deal he struck with the Saudi lenders.
Yea that’s for sure, they are slowly improving on that on many fronts though. Going back to the original border situation is not really an option anyway.
Yea you can’t easily keep convicted EU citizens out of another EU country.
The biggest problem I have with the 45$ is not for me buying it but it makes it very difficult to convince most of my friends to buy it just to try it out. And multiplayer does make this game much nicer.
Even if you don’t like the game which will be hard for most. Supporting a developer like this is never a loss.
Astro A50, can wear it all day wireless and I barely even notice I wear them. Also easy to mute your mic when you want to. The sound quality also seems quite in order to me including the mic. Though please cross check that only with the true audiophiles. If this one ever breaks down I will definitely by another one.
Yea I got it done at this guy with good genuine reviews. So it seemed like legit and the phone is still working perfectly.
Aside from this phone locking being complete BS. Wasn’t it possible to pay a third party to unlock it? I did that some years ago though we bought that phone with a huge discount which made it worth it.
Fair point.
Not if they use that money to subsidise American EV’s.
Only I think they’re already opening factories in Mexico. Which again isn’t a terrible situation either.
I get your frustration but you can’t solve one extreme/problem by another. That just creates different problems. And I believe you’re smart enough to realise what problems that would be. But yea, affordability is definitely a problem that needs to be solved. Getting exploited is never good. Sadly that rich people problem is present in more countries, including China. (not talking about the size of the problem, that is a point of argument of course)
Yea but isn’t that more because SanDisk is going to fully focus on that? Or what am I missing?