Yes I think I found it, kwin_wayland is segfault’ing randomly, causing the whole session to crash and restart.
Not sure how to fix that though …
Yes I think I found it, kwin_wayland is segfault’ing randomly, causing the whole session to crash and restart.
Not sure how to fix that though …
It looks like kwin_wayland is on there as “inaccessible” about the time it last happened
I forget there are linux-friendly laptops nowadays.
If you want to disable Intel Management Engine, the always-on backdoor built into every Intel CPU and/or want as much software as possible on your machine to be FOSS
Also it boots much faster than most stock bios.
It’s an open source bios. There are only builds for a certain few laptops and it involves opening it up and flashing the bios chip
You forgot “Only uses 10+ year old librebooted Thinkpad” on tech paranoid
Grats on Arch Linux install, S-tier distro for what it attempts to accomplish.
For some reason, the best word to describe it in my mind is “fun”. Just fun to learn and play with, fun to install, fun to configure and customize, and fun to daily drive. Definitely not fun when a random package update breaks your system (looking at you grub), but that hardly ever happens anymore provided you don’t enable the testing repo.
Also pacman is the fastest package manager I’ve ever used.
This is awesome. If only my upload speed wasn’t trash.
I mean, all the other major killers are more-or-less preventable before your body reaches it’s general decline into dysfunction from old age.
Heart disease and cancer alone kill more than like everything else combined, the former being largely preventable with proper lifestyle and diet.
Thanks for having the balls to say this, because yeah, I immediately noticed this.