Would cattle scoop style front ends save lives? The point would need to be crumply plastic for auto collisions, but i wonder if designing for deflection would legitimately benefit pedestrian collision survivability.
Would cattle scoop style front ends save lives? The point would need to be crumply plastic for auto collisions, but i wonder if designing for deflection would legitimately benefit pedestrian collision survivability.
Ugh, yeah, I fought aurocorrect over it and lost in the end it looks like. Got it fixed up now.
Alibaba in some ways.
Nasreddin Hoca is the most popular Turkish folk hero
Anansi the Spider is a great trickster folklore character from the Akan in Ghana. I loved these stories as a kid and had a great book on tape.
Can’t go wrong with this list:
To build on this, it would be accurate to say that Anarchy is the principle upon which the technologies of Anarchism are built. Rather than a political system, which inherently function through obligation of participation or subjugation, the technologies of anarchism are participatory. That is to say anarchism provides methodologies of engagement between individuals and groups to achieve outcomes without obligation or subjugation which are imposed by the system, replacing those attributes of hierarchy instead with consent, participation, and consensus which are fundamentally voluntary and opt-in in nature.
Another way to say this is that Political Systems are means by which a group forces rules upon individuals, while Anarchism is a set of methods by which individuals can perform actions as groups.
One has to wonder if they just split off adult content into a separate platform using the same Amazon logins, and including cross-platform notifications one way from the twitch site to the adult site whether it would solve both their cash flow and advertising problem.
Maybe a Swiss Franc or Japanese Yen peg might suit them better, if they could buy enough volume.
Maybe Atlantis? Also maybe the fremen parts of Dune, though that again is more primitivist in some respects.
I’d say overall Solarpunk still lacks its cornerstone film.
Nausicaa is more solar/windpunk than Princess Mononoke, which is more primitivist.
In some sense Waterworld qualifies.
Also Cloud Atlas in some of the settings, though a bit more primitivist
Wasn’t there an Olympics in China not so long ago?
Known vectors: Essential Horoscope for Android (com.anomenforyou.essentialhoroscope) 3D Skin Editor for PE Minecraft (com.littleray.skineditorforpeminecraft) Logo Maker Pro (com.vyblystudio.dotslinkpuzzles) Auto Click Repeater (com.autoclickrepeater.free) Count Easy Calorie Calculator (com.lakhinstudio.counteasycaloriecalculator) Sound Volume Extender (com.muranogames.easyworkoutsathome) LetterLink (com.regaliusgames.llinkgame) NUMEROLOGY: PERSONAL HOROSCOPE &NUMBER PREDICTIONS (com.Ushak.NPHOROSCOPENUMBER) Step Keeper: Easy Pedometer (com.browgames.stepkeepereasymeter) Track Your Sleep (com.shvetsStudio.trackYourSleep) Sound Volume Booster (com.devapps.soundvolumebooster) Astrological Navigator: Daily Horoscope & Tarot (com.Osinko.HoroscopeTaro) Universal Calculator (com.Potap64.universalcalculator)
4rm the indigenous!
I think my instance kbin.run may have it blocked from the all feed by default.
At least in KBin/Mbin instances there are magazines called “Random” by default that include an non-taghed microblog posts and threads.
"Meanwhile, Screen Effects’ “vibrant animations that will transform your words into dazzling visual displays” "
Please don’t.
Once again forgetting to use quotation marks around movie titles delivers a memorable and misconstrued headline.
Isn’t Popcorn time dead these days?
IDK, if this community has any hope of being anywhere near as comprehensive in coverage as the News Subreddits were its going to take some superusers.
The Amazon is a planted forest, it is looking more and more like it will need aggressive planting to keep it healthy. We should support the indigenous Amazonian in this work for all our sake.
Vehicle design prioritizing pedestrian survivability is beneficial regardless of urban design, though admittedly an optimal design will depend on median speed of the vehicle.in pedestrian areas.
Return to retro 1940s rounded truck hoods is honestly an inevitable design shift at some point, as fashion always cycles, but the aerodynamics and fuel efficiency standards are against it.