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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Don’t feel bad, to each their own. It’s not everybody’s thing and I get that.

    I was too young to really know Howard Stern so never I don’t really know him. It comes in waves for me, sometimes if I’m stressed at work I just want to listen to some stupid jackassery on my way home. Then other times I want to learn more or have a more thoughtful podcast.

  • If avoiding the ant-ageddon is your main goal, pick them and give them away. Free plums sign like others have said? Idk if I’d expect someone to pick them though, I’d pick them and bag them myself.

    If it’s like what do you DO with a million plums after they’re picked, I’m plum out of ideas besides give them away. The jam and wine suggestions sounds interesting. Plum pudding mayhaps?

  • I live in rural Pennsylvania, which is a very red area. There are hundreds of people I interact with on a daily basis in my local community that are MAGA supporters, and yet are totally normal individuals who happen to have conversative views, so they joined the cult that matches their ideology.

    How are we supposed to heal as a nation if we blanket statement say “MAGAs are idiots”? Are some psychopaths being duped in to trump thumping? Sure. But to lump them all in to this crazies category is dangerous, immature, and is low rung political discussion that plagues Reddit and I think Lemmy should be better than that.

  • I disagree. A lot of people are getting caught up in the MAGA cult that are just looking for a team that speaks to their ideals (generally more conservative). Calling them dumb by choice and not trying to understand their underlying reasons for subscribing to this particular ideology is really harmful at a societal level.