What third party apps? /s
What third party apps? /s
Makes sense, harder to do as you get older. If you catch it on a sale though and you’re curious I think it scratches the itch unlike D3.
Hard agree with you that D2 was better than D3 in every way. I also bought D2r and played it a bit at launch.
Have you played any D4 yet? As someone who never loved D3 I will say that D4 has been refreshing. I have some low level gripes with it, but overall I am really enjoying it.
Real cool dude /s
I don’t understand this clown’s strategy. “Let me outflank Trump on his right while simultaneously claiming he’s too far right to be electable.”
Factory jobs do pay living wages. I worked at a Fortune 500 factory in rural AL and the entry level jobs (running the street sweeper inside the factory) started at $28/hr. Operators that took OT would make over $100k/yr. The operators that worked there 20+ years made more money than I did as an engineer.
I’ve worked in factories in California, Ohio, Alabama, and my peers have worked all over (different companies). Factory jobs pay very decent and often have a hard time finding employees.
I had this problem with Cyberpunk and eventually just stopped playing. Every time I’d get a cool new weapon and want to go beat up on some street fighting scrubs only to get my ass kicked.
I prefer difficulty scaling where it’s somewhat linked to areas. Kind of like Diablo 2. So if I’m leveled up and beat Act V I can go back and tear through Andariel runs if I want, but Act V still has some challenging areas. I don’t think the entire world needs to scale as you progress.
This may not sway your vote, but a vote for a candidate that isn’t going to win might as well be a vote for Trump. The 2020 election was decide by 43,000 votes across three states. Maybe another Trump term is okay with you, but it’s something to consider.
Interesting, I wonder why this couldn’t be accomplished with conventional techniques. I own a handful of “AI” Plugins meant to achieve similar cleanup and I feel like it always needs to be tweaked to sound right. And that’s for a guy like me without practiced mixing ears. I wonder why real studio engineers needed AI.
Came here for this. Under rated movie.