I bought an intel i7-5775c for like £70 about 2 and a half years ago from Aliexpress. Really strong cpu for the price, overclocks well and has meant that I haven’t had to upgrade my motherboard and ram to ddr4 yet.
I bought an intel i7-5775c for like £70 about 2 and a half years ago from Aliexpress. Really strong cpu for the price, overclocks well and has meant that I haven’t had to upgrade my motherboard and ram to ddr4 yet.
Low effort trolls want downvotes though. You’re better off just ignoring them.
I always found that they worded it like it would end the trial but on the final cancel button it would specify that you would still have it until the end date. No idea if they’ve changed that recently though.
I just use my mouses scroll wheel + shift. I’m not saying horizontal scrolling is good but it’s far from the most annoying thing on websites.
I’ve never found a free trial that doesn’t let you cancel it as soon as you activate it without losing access to the trial. Is there a reason why so many people don’t just do this?
What’s the issue with sideways scrolling?
I just mean because if it’s mostly public torrents then something like real debrid is way cheaper and almost all magnet links I try are already cached so I just download it straight from them. And for movies and stuff you can just stream without needing to download anything.
That’s because you can’t do those things.
They’re not asking for support for lemmy though, they’re asking for a third party client. And no where in the post did they mention anything self hosted.
Public or private torrents though?
You can swipe to go back, though, just not forward.
A bit late with this one.
Telemetry should be opt-in, not opt-out.
I just looked, $10 a month for 100gb? That’s ridiculous.
And save comments
Yeah probably, I didn’t go crazy with it though since it only has 200gb storage anyway and it’s always been behind a vpn.
I’d like it to still show the instance at the top of the feed instead of the name so I know which account I’m on without flashing the name.
I’ve had a seedbox running on it for like a year and it was sick, also had plex and stuff set up. Haven’t used it since mullvad stopped doing port forwarding.
Shaun of the dead