My grandma once gifted me volume 21 of a manga I didn’t even own a single volume of. All she knew was that I like that japanese comic thing so she bought a random one at the book store.
My grandma once gifted me volume 21 of a manga I didn’t even own a single volume of. All she knew was that I like that japanese comic thing so she bought a random one at the book store.
Eww no, I definitely don’t want them to take any pointers from big tech. Their anti-spam methods are way too restrictive and invasive to your privacy. I don’t want to give my phone number to websites just to sign up. And I cannot even view Youtube videos or Instagram posts because they are blocking the IPv6 address of my 6in4 tunnel which I need because my ISP doesn’t have IPv6 yet. I have to sign in to “confirm you are not a bot”.
And grapheneOS also reboots if it hasn’t been unlocked in the past 36 hours. Maybe the amount of time is different by default though, I might have changed it.
Haven’t tried yet, what exactly can this do? just downloads the pictures? or more? Can it also download the metadata like tags? Does it provide a webinterface to browse and search downloaded galleries? IMO the perfect tool would provide it’s own webUI and then transparently proxy E-H using my account, downloading and saving all viewed galleries in it’s own database.
I try to use FOSS as much as possible, but I am not willing to give up video games, so I do have steam installed. I also need discord for communication with friends I am playing with. I only use these two on my desktop computer. On my laptop I don’t have any proprietary software running in userspace, but of course it still has proprietary firmware blobs and proprietary UEFI firmware. I also have an old Thinkpad X220 running coreboot and with ME disabled (HAP bit set, ME technically still runs, but halts after hardware initialization) and unnecessary ME components stripped using me_cleaner. And my home server also runs coreboot with ME “disabled” and stripped but it has a BMC with proprietary supermicro firmware and an LSI HBA that also requires firmware.
Yeah it’s a huge source of problems. If you are outside the US your IPv6 prefix is never gonna be correct in every GeoIP database, even if you send a request to have it corrected, so you sometimes get geoblocked and other sites just block you because it sometimes gets classified as VPN.
Uff, es scheint so als ob ihr noch keine dieser Domains registriert habt. mMn eine sehr schlechte Idee dann so eine Umfrage zu starten, irgendjemand wird sich den meist hochgewählten Kandidaten vor Ende der Umfrage schnappen. Grade bei .eu für nur 5€ im erstem Jahr und .org für 10€ wird es sicherlich innerhalb kürzester Zeit jemanden geben dem es diese paar Euro wert ist euch den Spaß zu verderben.
Online-Besichtigung ist doch möglich, hätte man einfach nur Google Streetview verlinken müssen.
Alte weiße Männer wählen FDP.
I tried various linux distros like ubuntu as a kid, but because of gaming I didn’t switch at that time, then around 2010 I got a home server and installed Arch on it. When Arch switched to systemd I switched to gentoo because I did not want systemd. In 2014 I switched to gentoo Linux on my desktop, but still had dual boot for gaming on windows. I tried various init systems on gentoo and then ended up using systemd anyways. Because I got sick of waiting for packages to compile I switched back to arch on my desktop. On my home server and laptop I used alpine linux for a while. I switched back to arch shortly after because I had too many issues with alpine on desktop. I still use alpine in VMs on the server, but others that I don’t touch as much like the print server run rocky linux. I also tried GPU-passthrough to game in a windows VM, but I never managed to resolve all the issues. Since nowadays most games run on wine and proton I never bothered reinstalling/fixing windows when it stopped booting a few years ago, so now I use linux only.
The reasons for insertion in decreasing order of frequency are autoeroticism, concealment, attention-seeking behavior, “accidental,” assault, and to alleviate constipation.
I love how they put accidental in quotes.
Well, that is just not true anymore and hasn’t been in a very long time. Probably everything made in the last 20 years has auto detection and doesn’t need a crossover ethernet cable. This was introduced as an optional feature sometime in the 100Base-T era and is required for gigabit ethernet.
I had a nightmare about being back in German high school, I forgot my homework and the teacher started screaming at me. I then threw my desk through the class room and left.
"Giga"Zuhause mit 100mbit/s ist ja schon Witz genug. Wenn sie es Giga nennen sollte meiner Meinung nach auch Giga drin sein.
Trackmania gameplay. It’s an arcade racing game, purely skill based, no story to follow. Players will play the same track multiple times until they get a good time, that way you don’t miss anything important if you look away for a while. Probably not gonna work for you if you’re not into the game though.
Rough translation with surely a lot of mistakes:
I have paranoid shizophrenia!
I see bread! (red -> bread and the bread is a character from German kids TV)
Go Away!
That Guy has a Nutri-Score of “Opfer”. (Opfer means victim and is used as an insult, Nutri-Score is a nutritional score printed on product packaging in super markets)
That’s why talking to therapist Dr. Oetker (Dr. Oetker is a brand that makes food stuff like cake mix)
Dude, you don’t have health insurance. Leave/Fuck off you freeloader!
Wecome to the psychiatric institute Hanover!
Here we have gothic women, that make even a male duck horny.
We also have board games! Chocolate-Bonobos (The real name is bonbon not bonobo which means candy) and radio broadcast recievers that play the best Schlager hit songs.
Schlager song plays
These are my friends!
Mario Kart (Mario Barth is a German “comedian”)
What does the XX chromosome say? I want to buy shoes!
And the one shy girl with the manga. My little Duckling! Damn
Always remember, there is help for you out there!
Stares at mirror
Spiegel TV (Spiegel is a german news magazine, the name means mirror)
Guess where I laid a Surprise Egg (Chocolate egg with a toy inside)
THE DUCK DOES NOT HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE! I CANNOT BE BOTHERED WITH THE “AMPEL” ANYMORE! (Ampel = traffic light, it’s the name of the coalition government consisting of Social democrats (red), Free Democrats (yellow) and the Green Party)