Incredible self-own
Incredible self-own
Haha damn should go tell that one in Iraq, you just hate who you’re told to hate
Really really not.
Doesn’t make it true, your ass is not a source
I live in Europe and this
All of Europe hates Russia with an all-consuming passion
is just bullshit my guy
Surely you were pleading China and Russia to invaded Amerika and start world War 3 back when the US invaded any of the previously mentioned (and many, many more) countries.
Nah man most humane thing you ever did was getting rejected by the military
Damn you really kept them in check when you bombed Iraq back to the stone age
You also really kept China in check when you moved your entire industrial capacity there
If I had any skills worth a damn, I’d volunteer myself. Unfortunately, I’m nearly 50, and would be a greater liability to Ukrainian defenders than an asset.
This is what you had to say about why you’re not in a trench shitting your pants right now yourself, even though the war in Ukraine is such a crime that you’re willing to start world War 3 over it. Of course you want war. You’re bloodthirsty when it comes to the people the state has designated as the ‘bad country’. You know who’d die in that war of yours? At first, it’d be the millions of people I teach now. Young people. They don’t want to die over your ideals for which you’re not even willing to lift a fucking finger but bitch and moan about it on the internet. When the working class recruits of that generation are coming home in coffins or disfigured and traumatized, it’s my generations turn. And so on, so forth. In a war between two corrupt states where once again dumb fucks like you have managed to convince themselves AGAIN That THIS TIME, the state isn’t lying about a war! They did it with Vietnam, they did it with Iraq twice, they did it with Afghanistan, with Yemen, with lybia and Syria, BUT THIS TIME what you’re being fed is the unqmbiguous truth! THIS TIME you must be wanting the right things! Like a third world War!
And all that would be a best case scenario, because in that case both NATO and Russia have managed to not destroy the entire world in some nuclear armageddon. You’re willing to sacrifice millions, if not billions, of people, for some fucking vague ideals you’re not willing to do anything for yourself, over a country that’s been embroiled in civil war for the past 8 years and you didn’t give a fuck about until someone else told you to.
Luckily you are the guy who isn’t influenced by propaganda at all
You’d support World War 3?
Not impartial as in, a Ukrainian propagandist. I purposfully avoid headlines like 'Russia DESTROYS recruits with LANDMINES. How would you trust a guy like that, right?
The reality on the ground is totally different than the situation in 1945, too. German industrial capacity, manpower, air force,… Were pretty much out of the picture. Showing headlines from the times back then only shows you how it was being reported on.
What invasion of the nazis in 1945 are you talking about?
You mean Allied advances into Germany?
Also can’t deny that denys guy is far from an impartial source lol
Please do. No investigation no right to speak
The guy you’re replying to is litteraly responding with ‘🤡’ to well written out responses.
Okay well
presented a narrative that cannot be proven and is not the real story
Ukraines problems with the far right HAVE been proven tho
Interesting last part of linked article:
Acknowledging that reality does not turn the Kiev government into a nest of fascists, as Kremlin propaganda has claimed, nor does it absolve Russia of its assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty and illegal seizure of Crimea. Ignoring Ukraine’s far right, on the other hand, can have dire consequences for the very dream of a free and democratic country which so many Ukrainians have fought, suffered, and died for.
Guess what you’re doing?
Next link is an article by The Guardian. It includes a collection of pictures, too. Are you going to tell them to identify every single person in those pictures, too?
Another one by The Guardian:
Next article is by Reuters. The article opens with said paragraphe:
As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.
Please note I’ve used exclusively western sources of which I suspect you’d refer to too. There are more, but I’m doubting your intellectual honest and curiosity, as these links were just one Google Search away.
And before you call me a putler bot or anything, as your types often do, fuck putin, the war is horrible and the fact he started it is unforgivable. Russia is a neoliberal state that in no way aligns with my own ideology. This doesn’t mean I have to all of a sudden voice support for the Ukrainian state or nato for that matter, considering the many crimes of said state and military pact. It’s a war between neoliberal, highly corrupt states in which the Russian and ukrainian working class stand nothing to gain.
What I’d wish to see (apart from revolutionary defeatism on both sides and a socialist takover of both states) is an end to the killing, the full return of Russia to the 2021 borders, independence for loehansk and donetsk, a neutral ukraine as a buffer between nato and Russia. But nothing points to Russia willing to give up gained ground, or to Ukraine being able to break through the russian defences. Looking at a map showing the gains after two months of counteroffensive makes this clear, it’s something I feel we can’t deny. To think ukraine is going to reach the sea of azov or crimea is nothing but hopeful idealism at best.
So, assuming you too want and end to the killing, and view the saving of human lives as more important than regaining the regions currently occupied, we’d have to think about the fastest way to do that. Is it to keep sending shipments of weapons and ammo to Ukraine? Well, NATO has been doing that for a year and a half now, not exactly to great effect. Note that in that time, hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured. We can scream that putin should just retreat back to the border, but we both know that’s just not going to happen, no matter how many conscripts are sent into Russian minefields and artillery kill zones.
Well… Then what remain? In my mind, it’s negotiations. Ukraine will be presented with terms they deem unacceptable, but if they don’t want to run out of Ukrainians, they’ll have to accept. I suspect they’ll have to wave goodye to the donbas region, but I also believe the citizens of said region would rather be either independent or integrated as Russian territory.
What would you like to happen, and how do you see that happening? Oh and if you ever get around to identifying the Russians in those pictures, hmu.
Bruv Idk what to tell you ukraine has a known problem with its far right elements, and here are pictures presented of exactly that.
Uh yeah gonna need the person claiming the photos are legit to post some proof
YOU claimed these pictures were Wagner pmcs dressing up and holding fake far right marches with Ukrainian iconography. YOU back that claim up.
While I disagree, I can see where you’re coming from. Shouldn’t have called you that. Gonna do some introspection, since this entire federation thing and the influx of bad faith actors I didn’t encounter for three years, interaction with other users has made me pretty hostile. Sorry about that.
Don’t be mean to them
I know you’re being sarcastic but no, they don’t deserve being talked to nicely. All these bloodthirsty libs are happy to dance on the graves of thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians because of some vague notion of the west being ‘the good guys’, gladly ignoring history but being incredibly smug in their ignorance. We provide sources, walls of text to explain where we’re coming from, only for them to ignore all the work and effort we put in and go back to their fuckin bubble to complain about how we’re ‘tankies’ and pat each other on the back for being anti-amperialist NATO lovers, lacking either the knowledge or the ideological spine to see the absolute hypocrisy in what they’re doing. Or the smug reddit tier comment saying ‘I ain’t reading all that’ because they need spend a fucking minute reading the thoughts of someone better informed than them.
They did say saudis bad tho, we should give the same nuance we expect from others. I don’t suppose the commenter you’re replying to supports Saudi arabia, it’s just odd that the nuance they’re seemingly willing to grant the saudis wont be given to Russia