Whenever Culber is on screen I turn to my partner and say he’s died. More often than not it comes up.
Whenever Culber is on screen I turn to my partner and say he’s died. More often than not it comes up.
You honestly just know when it’s a Frakes directed episode. Things just feel quality.
I’m out of the loop. Any reason given for leaving? I feel like I’ve watched ZP on and off since we got a family computer.
Is this to give context on all the things in the episode? My girlfriend would love it if I could talk about all that random stuff here instead of pausing the episode to tell her. Please save my relationship haha.
Yeah they put the tube in and I woke up 6 hours later. I was literally turned off and on.
From what I hear he is a super great guy so I do wish him all the best.
He’s now going to be a Nintendo Ambassador or something. I wonder if this is just to change the voice of Mario while also effectively retiring him from voice acting so they don’t have Mario voicing Bayonetta in the next game or something.
Honestly from what we know of the Soong’s they probably almost never get laid so they 100% would try to make their androids studs in the bedroom.
Hey Naked Now has Data laying android pipe and therefore is fully functional in terms of canon.
I wish when governments said they want to be competitive with China they did like the one thing China does that would raise our quality of life. As in make trains.
Sweet thanks for clearing that up. I really need to rewatch all of the movies again. I really appreciate that the writers of SNW seem to be trekkie enough to catch these things.
Fantastic episode! Loved it from cover to cover. I like how we have Spock reverting back to being classic Spock in a musical episode. Arguably it makes this episode one of the most important episodes to canon. Also did Kirk know about Marcus beforehand? I swear he learned about him in Wrath of Kahn but I haven’t seen that film in forever.
Incredibly based points. I live in urban hell small town Saskatchewan. I feel the same way.
I go back and forth between playing a lot of handheld and very little handheld. Honestly the screen doesn’t bother me. I’ve had no issues with Nintendo games. I would argue the biggest issue in modern day gaming is the bloody text size of things. I’m trying to play FFXV right now on ps4 and the text is soooo bloody small.
In Sask those are just part of summer life. I swear the only reason the media has picked this story up is because it’s affecting Ontario.
Where is Spider-Man when we need him?
If you’re in England look into the Duke of Edinburgh club. It’s an outdoors camping club for youth. You should be able to find a packing list and it will have food suggestions.
I’ve been vegan for years and will tell you it’s incredibly easy to get the amount of protein in. Plus like with an omni diet most packaged foods are fortified for vitamins.
No it was also annoying because mini fridges only fit 6 packs.
I always laugh when you point out inconsistencies with your direct writing style.