Finally a real world manual.
Plug your USB in and spam that key while turning on your PC.
Finally a real world manual.
Plug your USB in and spam that key while turning on your PC.
There are people on this site, coherent and educated, that have not been alive, when this meme was created.
I’m old
You’re definitely right, it’s still a place where people with fantasies of power end up. It’s not all just sunshine and the media might be biased but compared to some countries it’s still a pretty high standard which should be the minimum in the US as well.
Uhm, in Germany it’s completely normal for police to assist in situations of mental health and instead of shooting them they talk to them, or, as a last resort, restrain people and bring them back to a care facility, unharmed.
Police receive proper 3 year training and most of them even have a required university degree.
The metric system, so convenient
Seriously, make this name a thing if it isn’t already
Each or combined? Because the combined prices are already that high and people still buy it.
Oh, it would have been great if they made the same thing as real book stores. Different categories and putting thought in their collection including niche topics. I love exploring random books in book stores and libraries
Better than N64 Turok multiplayer split screen on a mini CRT
It always amazes me that, in more than just America, so many people are convinced by people like Trump.
There might not be the one perfect system but it should be allowed to modernize some flaws to prevent exactly this and allow more parties to exist.
Sie sind pauschal, das ist unser Problem an vielen Ecken, nicht nur bei Cannabis. Es betrifft nur die niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen.
Wie weiter oben bereits angemerkt, eine soziale Staffelung muss her. Sonst sind das wieder Gesetze um die unteren Schichten in Zaum zu halten.
Aber solche Probleme mit Deckelungen und pauschalen Strafen haben wir in allen Bereichen. Je höher das Einkommen, desto mehr verlieren viele Regelungen und Gesetze ihre Relevanz.
Stop the train and let them die of thirst and animals?
You did your part and it was just fate that brought death on them.
Ich bin mir bei ihm nicht sicher, ob er sowas wirklich ernst meint und in seiner kleinen, eigenen Welt lebt oder ob er schon an dem Punkt angekommen ist, an dem ihm alles egal ist und er nur noch aus Spaß in der Politik ist und Realsatire lebt.
I think this might be my key takeaway. He is wiling to address exactly this problem and might continue in the future. Even if you don’t benefit from it, it shows a clear path he is willing to take.
With a class name as vague as that you would have to add tons of information into the variable name.
Technically they did exactly that.
Thank you, that was a good and interesting start of the day
Is there anything about the exact definition of permanent? I mean, otherwise I could just include the items in my will and refer to that.
“All items that have been subject to lending with one sided consent shall be returned to its respective owners at the end of my life.”
Like rouennaise sauce?