Yes. See my other comments. It’s just basic logic.
Yes. See my other comments. It’s just basic logic.
Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?
Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…
I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.
Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?
Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…
I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.
Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?
Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…
I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.
Surprisingly narrow minded and incorrect viewpoint.
Layoffs are inevitable, including at Larian studios. Otherwise they’re saying all video game studios just have linear growth forever which is stupid.
People downvoting have no idea what they’re talking about lol. One flop and Larian Studios will do mass lay-offs like every other studio. And no studio will make continual success after success.
It’s honestly terrible that thousands of Palestinians can die and noone gives a fuck, but 1 Australian and all of a sudden Australia is outraged. I say this as an Australian as well.
If Biden loses to Trump because people won’t vote for Biden or would vote for Trump instead then Americans deserve Trump because he actually represents them. Just in case it’s not clear, if the majority of people are morons, don’t be surprised if a moron wins the election.
Games were definitely buggy and I honestly think people forget how much better the quality is nowadays.
I also think there is something to it just being the 90s or so and not having much choice. If you only have one game to play then of course you’re going to replay it to death. If I have a steam library of 1000 games then I’m much less likely to.
A lot of this is just nostalgia for the past and the environment as opposed to games being any better.
It’s a hard call at end of day. If you want it to all be privacy respecting and open source and decentralised then you’re almost guaranteeing you won’t make money from it.
The alternative is ad based software that’s free which is also garbage.
Hard to find the balance between the two, can’t think of many examples if any that actually work besides just making a paid product that’s very good and hope it’s better enough than the rest to be successful. But even then you likely will have to cross lines because you’re just relying on viral luck at that stage.
Yep, I feel exactly the same way.
When a cat wants to spend time with you they actually want to.
You can smack a dog and do whatever you want to it and they’ll still come running to spend time with you. It’s not loyal, it’s just stupid.
Just remake them every 10 years. Can’t be that hard.
Lol. Some people get way too involved in some mythical lore.
It’s all irrelevant with the time travel bullshit anyway in Marvel universe. Nothing bad can happen because you can just reverse it all.
Just do it again from time to time.
Can set a reminder for every 10 years. You don’t have to be a genius for that.
Honestly people don’t think at all do they?
Fuck off. Thanos was a decent person who had a good idea.
Musk is a piece of shit.
Ever heard the term loyal to a fault? There’s loyal and there’s stupid.
As opposed to dogs where you can just abuse and mistreat them and they’ll still be loyal! Clearly the smarter pet.
People are missing the forest for the trees but you are right.
If Republicans force this through on every bill then at some point it would have to pass. You can’t just shut down the US government indefinitely in the real world.
I didn’t understand it either.
Seems like the message is just anyone can be homeless, which is pretty obvious. I guess if people’s awareness is that low then it’s good for these sorts of messages to get out but also suggests that many people are just morons.
Phew! So they just have to make good enough games to avoid two complete flops in a row. Which is impossible but feel free to try and argue that it’s possible.
It’s also an extremely privileged view. “Just have lots of money and you’ll be fine lol! Dumb studios who don’t make enough money to weather flops are bad!”
It’s the equivalent of the rich billionaires saying if you want a house just work hard and buy one. It’s not hard! Why are the poor people complaining?
It would be nice to not have Layoffs but it’s just reality it will happen. If you think it’s impossible you are a child or are completely blinded by corporate interests.