United States needs to stop the stupid sanctions
United States needs to stop the stupid sanctions
Not without water
The painting wasn’t “harmed”,
‘In passing his sentence, Hehir said he took into account not only the damage caused to the frame but the potential for even greater damage to be caused to the painting had the soup seeped behind the glass that covered it.’
The frame is also not a human being, and no where did I imply I was ok with harming any person you jackass, false equivalence much?
What you’re missing is the understanding that this will keep getting worse, till we are all dead, it’s not gonna taper off and then some places will be ok. As this continues, we will keep tripping past points of no return till everything we relied on for life is gone.
The fuck? Yes it is. Unable to grow food? Unable to survive extreme weather and weather events?? Where are you getting your climate change info from, faux news??
I guess you feel like climate change is being tackled seriously and with great haste then. You’re right, calling more extreme attention to this issue is a waste of time, we’re gonna meet the 1.5C limit ez pz lemon squeezey. Shiiiet, you really helped me stop giving a fuck about this issue, whew.
You think I’m ok with harming humans because I don’t care if art got ruined?? What?? The fuck
Will art matter when we’re all dead from climate change tho?? I guess everyone has their priorities
Be cool if the White House would stop making a fool of itself
More self defense I see
They didn’t say that, you inferred it. Also your take on them not going to school? The fuck? They can definitely do both
Aren’t just about all of their evs practically luxury vehicles when you look at the gd price? China knows wtf they’re doing, our companies are still too greedy and stupid
Who in the video Is shooter?
How very turn the other cheek of her
That’s precisely what I’m using
I got an ad blocker not a pay wall but it wouldn’t let me close it and keep the blocker on
They go to those places because the poor and downtrodden tend to have a higher propensity to want to believe in something that will improve their life. It’s the best place to get converts
Fighting near central Rafah = callously murdering rufugees in the place they told them to flee to
Can you recommend a few?