They finish the current term and appoint a new VP. The election calendar doesn’t change
They finish the current term and appoint a new VP. The election calendar doesn’t change
Some guy on the street asked me if I knew where the nearby salad restaurant was. There was only 2 ways this could go. Either he wanted a salad for lunch. Or, as you suggest, he was testing me. Was I apart of this fabled salad group or one of the forsaken “others”? The pressure was on to say the least. I don’t normally believe in a higher power, but I said a quick prayer for help to get me through this challenge. I gathered all my strength and told him “just a block that way” as I pointed down the street. Now, I could only wait for what felt like a millenia. Finally, he let slip the words “cool. Thanks” as he headed in that direction. I think i passed his nefarious test. But the only thing I’m sure of is that I barely made it out of there in one piece.
Edit: originally, the comment I replied to said that no question was innocent
I am willing to give up time out of my life (which is not renewable) for money from a company (which is renewable) and I am treated with contempt at job interviews like they are doing me a favor and treated as if I am trying to scam them. Why is society like this?
Interviews work both ways. You are interviewing them just like they are interviewing you. They are doing you a huge favor in acting this way. Now you know you don’t want to work for them. This is much better than them pretending to be nice and you finding out later that it’s miserable.
You make the best combination of your hole cards and the community cards. So if you have Ah Ad in your hole cards and the community cards are 10h 6d Ac Ks 2s, you’re hand is Ah Ad Ac Ks 10h.
An important note is that you do not have to use any of your hole cards. If the community cards are A K Q J 10 of Spades, then your hand is the same the community cards (along with everyone else). In this case you do not use your hole cards at all to make your hand.
I’m not a cmd prompt expert, but does
ren *.(current extension name) *
To test it, make a new directory and create 2 files there with the same extension. Then, run that code in that directory and check the result.
Worth remembering that python uses the concepts of truthy and falsey. Empty string (“”) is falsey. Any other string (“true”, “false”, “0”, etc.) Is truthy. All bool(str) does is evaluate whether str is truthy or falsey. It does not evaluate what str actually is.
So bool(input("Input True or False ") will return False is the user input is empty and True otherwise.
I don’t know but it would be helpful if you included a link to the clip you’re talking about.
Someone should popularize this theory. Like what if our world was just a simulated world like in the matrix.
I don’t know how these specific apps work, but youtube could change their API at any time, and those changes could effect any app using it. A change could be made that would block access, similar to the reddit api change.
If a tool is scraping the youtube website, any change to the website could effect the scrapers, but the scrapers could be updated to work with the changes. There is the possibility of down time, but not really for permanent loss of access. This is not really worth chasing for youtube because it would be a never ending game of cat and mouse.
I also found i like Youtube Revanced over NewPipe. It let’s you sign in to youtube but removes all the ads, let’s you skip in-video intros and ads as well.
The generally worst case scenario is that you’ll be bored and (will continue to) not see or talk to that person after. Maybe a few hours are wasted. You no longer have to wonder what if.
Best case scenario the friendship rekindles fully.
Little to lose. Lots to gain. Why not reach out?
If on a computer, install ublockorigin.
If on android, get revanced.
Enjoy not seeing ads at all.