Those colors! 😍
Those colors! 😍
Just downloaded to Kindle. Thanks for reminding me.
What about those of us who clicked the link but got turned away due to content blockers :p
I’m gonna have kids just so I can make sure to raise them on the correct media diet. They’re getting all the classic video game consoles, in order of generation, so when they get to something like Elden Ring they have the context all the way back to Space Invaders to appreciate it. And we’re going to be a home of physical media, god damn it. We’re not streaming things. We’re putting CD’s and vinyls and blu rays in their respective players. No iPads. Only books, comics, coloring books and notebooks.
How the fuck did parents start giving their kids iPads, anyway? Nintendo Switches? My first Gameboy cost $90 and I bought it with my own birthday money. A children’s book from a young reader series cost $6 new in the 90s and is probably not much worse now. Less, if you buy it used, which is much easier now. And people are just like, “here, my 12 year old child, have an Xbox Series whatever, and an iPad, and a Galaxy phone. They’re all pre-connected to your YouTube account. Don’t let your other parent know that I told you that for Christmas we’re getting you a gaming PC, Logitech C920, condenser microphone, wireless headset, gaming chair, scissor arm, and LED lighting array so you can chase the completely impossible dream of being a professional streamer. Can I kiss your feet while I’m at it? Will that make this a good half-birthday for you?” Unfuckingthinkable. Knock it off.
Yeah but if anything doesn’t work correctly it’s specifically because of the Chromium monopoly on the direction of web development. It’s almost a reason unto itself to move to Firefox. It’s like saying “what’s the point in shopping at a mom and pop store when Amazon basically won the future of capitalism anyway?” As an argument it’s just “let’s give up and let Google win.”
But if white widow earlier. But of strawberry cough also earlier but less earlier.
Then I mean a later year because my girlfriend and I each own X1s from around that time which we bought on eBay. Mine, I believe, was listed as a 2018. Hers is a year newer. So those figures might need budged but I do not mean a T480.
Unless you’re just recommending a T480 over an X1, in which case, I apologize for stepping all over your punchline.
Preowned ThinkPad. You can get a 2018 or so X1 Carbon for $400 or less on eBay.
It’s already saved me from accidentally tapping a recent or favorite number because they hang up a split second faster than my thumb lands on the end button. I approve of this change.
If Lemmy had awards this succinct answer would get a pile of them.
“Save every five minutes and never buy Packard Bell.”
Something that trips me up a bit about federation and instances is the overlap of identical communities from different instances.
So for example, I’m an atheist, but it’s be years since that was a part of my identity that moved me to care about atheist memes or patting myself on the back for not being religious, which (sorry guys), is what I feel like happens in those communities. So I get them out of my feed by blocking them the way I block plenty of other communities I’m not interested in. In Apollo I was spoiled by the ‘hide subreddit’ feature that I don’t believe existed in Reddit itself, but which was crucial to my enjoyment of that particular app. But since there are multiple instances hosting a version of any given community, I must’ve blocked at least three ‘atheist’ and two or three ‘atheistmemes’ communities, which look the same to me, but are hosted on different instances.
Is my All feed destined to continue having different instance versions of all the topics I don’t want to see, no matter how many times I block them, as long as there are more and more instances hosting those communities? I don’t want to sound unimpressed by this new technology or ungrateful for the amazing service you all are building, but this feels like either a pretty big flaw in the federated user experience or a pretty big gap in my knowledge of how to work the platform. I’m entirely receptive to the idea I may just be doing something wrong.
Just curious. Thank you for everything you do.
Writing and drawing aren’t lost arts, yet ;)
There’s strong evidence, by the by, that writing things down by hand works different parts of your brain than typing does. This can be great for somebody like me, with untreated attention issues, as writing things down by hand can help me remember them better. It takes longer to do, so your mind is on it longer, and particularly when I’m journaling, it seems to help me parse through what feels like a jumble of chaotic, circular thoughts by laying them down one word, one letter at a time on paper.
And since I write pretty much everyday, whether it’s notes at work, the occasional journal entry, or little notes for later in a nice Moleskine pocket notebook, I’d like that experience to be as nice as possible, in the same way a typist might invest in a mechanical keyboard (with just the right feeling and sound for their tastes) or anybody who can afford to will invest in a quality mattress, etc.
If you ever do give handwriting a shot, or if you get into art someday, you might check out some of the pencil and pen recommendations in the responses to this post. They can be a real treat when compared against, like, a standard no. 2 pencil you got in a box of 50 for $2.
I’m a pretentious black wing purist but I love writing the cold too much to resist a good recommendation. Might have to order a pack!
I feel like jailbreaking is often a real chore. The ongoing game of cat and mouse, you know. Is it easy enough to do these days, and do untethered? I haven’t really taken great advantage of jailbreaking since like, iPhone 4. But your comment makes it sound like a practical necessity!
Any wisdom to share about how to be successful slowing down in this way? I’m a major rusher through. I even got a tattoo to remind me to slow down. But I often forget.
Just speculating here. And building off some half-remembered On The Media pieces. But as (for any number of reasons) the faith in a social platform collapses (and often the safeguards against toxic stuff go down too, a la Twitter), people with a low tolerance for that shit are likeliest to bail and the ‘call people the N word on Xbox’ folks are likeliest to stay behind. People who could watch what Reddit did and stay behind aren’t bad, I’m not saying that, but their tolerance for unethical stuff is way higher than the tolerance of those who decided to find a new home. Self-selection, ya know.
Frontier is exactly as much truck as most truck owners actually need. I love it. I wish it was more fuel efficient but it’s a mild, modest, effective vehicle and i have not yet run into a situation it couldn’t deal with. Wonderful purchase. It turns like a boat but that’s a decent trade off to avoid the Toyota Tax on the Tacoma.