There’s an app! Good to know!
Artist, musician, and professional dumbass
Have a turtle for your troubles my good fellow 🐢
(Former ToR, I do transcriptions on here whenever I can!)
There’s an app! Good to know!
Yeah, you could put a rainbow neon cord down there, you’re not seeing any of it in -20
Can someone please explain how to move to ecosia on an Android mobile device, but in tech-stupid-ese?
Soup, salad, or sandwich. In that order.
They have no concept of “human” or “mother”
Actually, they do. Maybe not in the words we use for it, but a cat can recognize their mother and can determine humans apart from other species. It may not be an complex psychological process of ranking them, but they recognize.
I don’t think they question it. Just like if you feed a stray cat, they will often continue to come back
“Human gives food. I stay with human.”
It was this evolutionary trait that allowed us to domesticate animals in the first place. I don’t know if they have the complex psychological capacity to question or doubt it to that level. It’s a trust bond, not a superiority one.
That is a year that was exists, yes. Your point?
Rather than jump to “trauma” here (and believe me, I say this as a person with PTSD), could you elaborate on what you mean by “fear”?
Leaving reddit made me literally touch grass. Guys I went to the park today!
Lmao I’m a grown kid who’s helping teach my dad a lot and it’s so funny to see the back and forth, to see him excited about his work softball team or messing something up. He’s one of those “always need to look fully in control” types so it’s refreshing to see him actually be human sometimes
Yeah, there’s a balance of “I’m not perfect, but I will always be here to look out for you” that has to be struck. Too far one way and the moment you break, the kids are gonna be scared and confused at what’s happening. And too far the other puts the responsibility on the child to take on a parent role (and believe me when I say that fucks you up)
I think kids come to learn this on their own. But at the same time, normalizing being open about emotions is a good thing, to help promote an environment where saying “I’m okay, I’m just having a rough day today” is something that’s just normal.
But there’s a sense of security to parents being infallible that can be dangerous to break. I lost that feeling with my mother when I was five, in a pretty major way to be fair, and for the next few years I had nightmares about everyone I loved dying and I wouldn’t be able to stop them. Kids are powerless to the world around them in a lot of ways, and rely on adults to protect them and teach them how to protect themselves. So by seeing your parents as able to get through anything, you have a sense of safety at home.
So basically, normalize small challenges and openings to not be perfect, but be trying your best. Allow being human. But make sure the kid knows that no matter what, you will make sure both you and them are okay. Normalize the bumps in the road, and always reaching the end alright.
Ngl wing it with confidence and reassurance and when they grow up it’ll be even more impressive
They like having no competition, by being friendly at first, then crushing us when we let them access our userbase. Defederate, with no second thoughts. If the Meta users want to experience the fediverse, nothing is stopping them from making a Lemmy account on any instance.
The content is facebook-oriented content. Idk if it would even really be the kind of audience that most of the fediverse would be able to sustain.
As it is, reddit was a concern for many people. Facebook? Not a chance.
Besides, large scale defederation discourages Meta from trying to weasel their way into everything like that. Don’t encourage them. They want you excited, but overlooking the massive issues.
I have skills beyond your comprehension
Adjusting slowly. I feel about as isolated with a sense of pseudo-connection that dies off the moment I stop typing my reply here as I did on reddit, if anything less content here with a less aggressive algorithm keeps me from getting into scrolling loops and lets me actually do shit with my day.
It started as one easy to read bean can and I extended the transcription with every update.
Also I’m magic.
I hate having to push this every time but is there any progress on being able to see media and images in a post while commenting, without having to exit the comment altogether?
And the volunteer community of content transcribers allied with the blind community, who’s goal was to ultimately draw attention to the issue to improve accessibility on the reddit app. Go figure.