Also Clarence Thomas: “Ha ha, fuck all of you, I’m admitting it because there’s fuck all you can do about it.”
The American mullahs can do whatever they like.
He learned from the Trump felony conviction apparently. Trumps conviction was on the coverup, not the payments.
Thomas is getting out in front of this by removing the “cover up” part.
Would it matter? He’s the “shoot a guy on fifth avenue” person. Who’s going to be able to prosecute a SCOTUS justice who can appeal to SCOTUS and not recuse himself?
Really dont need to prosecute first, gotta get him off the bench as step one. Dems could try to impeach, but as we see nothing gets done in the Senate either. Well shit…
Maybe one of those fine 2nd ammendment people…
He must be feeling the heat if he voluntarily disclosed this backdated graft.
Doubtful. He has done nothing to show any remorse for what he is doing to us all.
This was a standard disclosure. Feeling ‘the heat’ has nothing to do with it. Jackson got 1.2k in flowers from Opera. Appointed officials shouldn’t be able to accept any form of donations above a very minor amount like $20.
The report Friday comes after a separate report this week found Supreme Court Justices have received about $4.7 million in gifts over the past two decades — more than $4 million of which was pocketed by Thomas alone, newly revealed data showed.
Jesus Christ, Thomas.
And that’s just what was disclosed. Remember him and Alito were claiming stuff was “personal hospitality” and didn’t need reported.
The word is “bribes.”
John Oliver did a great piece on the compromised ethics of SCOTUS with special attention to Thomas.
We all really wish he would have accepted the motorcoach offer. John Oliver is a treasure, putting his money where his mouth is trying to save our country from scum like Thomas.
No joke. He put his own option for retirement on the table to help America. That’s a tremendously selfless offer.
It was somehow always obvious, that he’s the one getting the biggest piece of cake.
With every breath he takes, he exhales that “i am king, i am god” flair.
Uncle Tom’s
cabinyaught trip to Bali.
And once again, there will be no penalty.
There absolutely should be a penalty, fucking ridiculous that we have a system that defers serious legal shit to 7 individuals who aren’t even elected. 3 of which were appointed by an orange reality TV star.
This is America. If we punished bald-faced corruption, what else might we have to punish? Insider trading? Police violence? Violations of people’s civil and human rights? It’s a slippery slope, friend!
If we punished for corruption, we’d have very few politicians and like probably zero corporate executives. Probably few cops too.
This sounds great! Where do I sign up?
You can bet your ass there would be huge penalties if this guy was a Democrat.
If he were a Democrat his own party would be falling all over themselves to denounce him; but because he’s a Republican it’s just par for the course.
He knows nobody will touch him so he brags now
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When the Supreme Court loses all legitimacy, like it has, things get shittier much, much quicker.
Abort the court
About 2 months ago I saw a news clip where he announced his resignation. There was a voice recording of him, he didn’t say the word “resign” but implied it
Did I jump timelines?
I believe he talked about resigning in 2000 to some republican at a conference. Caught my eye when I read that and was sad to see the date.
The picture is so fitting for this situation.
The populace should be angry. Everyone should riot. This blatant corruption and should be on every news station non stop