reason #838 not to work on a US government secret project, right next to “trump will leak all that shit to a foreign government and you will be killed”
One of the few good things that man has ever done.
Veterans and fetuses are useless to politicians once they are out
Even if they acknowledge that they were there, they would still deny your claim. Then they will ask you to prove it was toxic there.
My first real dose of “these people fucking lie” was when we were sent to New Orleans after Katrina. We had just gotten off a deployment, almost no equipment except our weapons, and we took a tour bus there because I was told “get there however possible”.
It turned from a humanitarian mission to a full on disaster en route, and our mission changed. While down there, we were shot at multiple times, received almost no aid until big army showed up, and protected what remained of the city. Three cops stayed, that was it. I know, ACAB, but these guys were there to genuinely help the people while the rest of their department hid. They were so happy to see us grunts.
People took pot shots at us, we ended up commandeering a NG “Base” (no idea what their building was called) and using their vehicles. We returned fire a few times, but didn’t treat it like OIF/OEF. Usually a couple shots back made whomever was feeling froggy leave.
Then we hear the general talk about it upon getting home. “No one fired a bullet, not one service member took fire. It was a great help!” Mother fucker, no. We had hillbillies driving to our checkpoints wanting to come into the city to shoot black people (their words, although they used slurs that I had never heard) Mexican standoff style when we told them to leave, and then shooting over our heads when they got down the road. It was a ridiculous sequence of events.
Generals: “Nothing happened and we all gave hugs!”
Deny Deny Deny. The pentagon’s fight song.
The left and the right just do not care enough to fix this problem
You don’t have a left party, what do you expect?
We’re working on it. I try to vote as left as I can (effectively) on any ballot in front of me. Primaries and general.
If we all did this, with high turnout… We’re getting the government we vote for.
Yeah that’s bullshit. The last time a left party had millions of votes in this country they made the party illegal and had fascist style show trials.
American left: “Might the noble job creators spare a pittance of their fortune that they, and they alone, earned and were entitled to based on their unique brilliance?”
Left anywhere else: “Bootlickers.”
That’s some catch, that catch 22.