Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I think tragedy is a really strong word here.
This will literally be worse than 911 Holocausts
So many people want me to care so badly about fucking Tik Tok. It’s not going to happen! I have real problems!
No it won’t. This is 1 of many lemmy gaming related communities. Living proof gaming communities don’t need TikTok to thrive
Fucking Kotaku, suckin’ that teat as always.
I’m subbed to eight myself, two of which are PC-specific, and one for Xbox.
The fuck are they on about? The gaming community is centered around discord and twitch, maybe with YouTube and Reddit in smaller amounts. tiktok’s death wouldn’t even be noticed.
Of course it’s Kotaku.
My gaming consumption has been fine without tiktok and the examples they posted didn’t convince me I need tiktok.
Yeah, I mean whose going to steal popular content off of twitch and youtube, and then post it in a horrible bitrate with the wrong orientation.
Snap Chat?
I’m with you there.
Something filmed originally in 16:9 or 16:10 but pasted in portrait mode, using only 1/3 of the screen. Even if you flip your phone sideways, the video is even smaller. GAHHHHHHHH.
Lmao no it wouldn’t.
It really wouldn’t be. Don’t worry.
Would it though?
Lol nah. Kill that’s shit.
we should all be thanking congress for finally killing TikTok
Fuck tiktok
Yeah but no.
This reads more like the panic of an addict who thinks they’re about to be cut off and less like a coherent take on the issue.
In reality, even if this passes the Senate, TikTok will be sold to a US-based holding company. Little will change for the end user. It isn’t going to shut down. And even if it did shut down (which it won’t ), this article really cheapens the meaning of “tragedy.”
I feel like a conspiracy theorist for wondering if this is just a TikTok sponsored article.
I’m honestly more worried about how much twitch and YouTube seem to have given up on improving their platforms. I find it harder and harder to find content on YouTube. Twitch on the other hand still doesn’t support 4k (as far as I know since I catch the same streams on YouTube being in 4k)
This is another area where I feel like decentralized model would be good. I’d rather a majority of my money go towards a streamer and not the platform that stagnated on the tech side. Maybe Kick can help, but none of my favorite streamers stream there yet even with twitch exclusivity agreements going away.
I guess it’s because I’m not into live streams, but twitch has seemed the worst for content discovery. Don’t find it useful for finding relevant content unless it is edited clips put on another site. It’s just useful for finding streams of a certain game, but not actual specific game content like where is item x located.
You’re totally correct on that. Twitch for me is for the one competitive game I play (esports and costreams of esports). I use YouTube sometimes for guides and info, that’s somewhat useful. Although I’m starting to find that the video that YouTube shows me as the top video for a search under “relavent” is not always really all that relevant. Sometimes the best video for a search is way down the list. I find it easier for some games (like Remnant 2), to find text guides that are popular and then watch an attached YouTube video there if there is one.
My main beef with YouTube today is how garbage my front page is. I feel like years ago I would discover content based on suggestions. Now I spend most of my time being irrationally mad at how bad my suggestions are on the YouTube front page.
Oh yeah, I hate YouTube recommendations, since it seems not great at recognizing what I look for in channels only the general subject matter. Got to a point where now I use newpipe and freetube on PC to just keep track of my subs, since I wanted to not even see suggestions anymore.