In the full video she tells the interviewer that she misses bread and then the man asks her where her dad is and she says “he’s in heaven” and she fights back the tears.
Holy fuck.
Ya think I’m going to give that video a skip. I’m tearing up from just the picture and the headline alone =(
Can you link it? Fuck Israel in all ways possible, if anyone deserves to burn in hell for eternity, they are the topmost contender
Edit: I wonder how long will it take the US and UN to declare IDF as a terrorist organization? Oh wait, you are not a terrorist if you are supported by the US? Makes sense
I mean, unless we assume that the United States is a terrorist organisation, then it would make sense why they would support the likes of the IOF… Eh Eh?
One thing I have seen is that ‘murica is smart, instead of directly killing the people they hate, they get it done through Israel while putting on a mask ‘If you daddy Israel wont stop, I’ll make sure to spank you’, Russia could learn a lesson or two
Honestly, If you ask me, the United States is the largest terror organisation in the world.
If we need evidence, me exibit A is this post, this girl would not be missing bread or her father if it where not for the United States… if we need more examples I am happy to provide, but I am going to be suspect if this argument 1 does not turn you
Ofc, they have been committing crimes especially in the middle east ever since my parents were born, and have directly and indirectly killed millions, but ofc they always get away with it, however if someone else does the same, they get freaking bombed, I hate every autocratic dictatorship around the world but I just have a personal grudge with the democratic US, I don’t think anyone has killed more than them, while also being directly responsible for the rise of radical organizations around the world
“democratic” studies show that the will of the people has no effect on the decisions of the government, Oligarchic or Plutocratic is the correct word
Well its not like the ppl in the US have much of a choice tho, you can either choose genocide Joe or genocide squared trump, I have no idea why they still elected ppl like reagan or bush tho
I don’t understand how Israel can create this humanitarian crisis and then prevent aid from helping. I just went to Oxfam’s website to see what they are doing and where donations are going and they’ve only been able to provide about 6,000 food parcels because Israel won’t allow aid workers to have access. As human beings we have a moral obligation to save humans from dying needlessly but Israel is doing this on purpose. They don’t deserve this, it doesn’t make sense.
Allowing aid would be counter to their goal of genocide.
They pretty much were doing this even before the attack. They were on purpose limiting the amount of resources entering Gaza, and that is why this tunnel network in Gaza was built in the first place. Because Israel was purposefully limiting the amount of goods delivered into Gaza.
It is really despicable what Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank and what they were doing for years without any meaningful reaction from the West.
Yeah but obviously these people are lesser than everyone else, so it totally makes sense this 4 year old along with thousands of others deserve starvation and shouldn’t even be able to have family to comfort her.
This just might be the most heart breaking clip I’ve ever seen.
It’s easy when you’re racist and see non-Jews as subhuman.
non-jews and non-whites… they have also turned away black jewish people trying to enter and claim the “right to return” because well the racism thing
It makes sense if you think of Israel as a colonial power.
I don’t understand how Israel can create this humanitarian crisis and then prevent aid from helping.
It’s a lot cheaper and easier to starve people to death in the giant concentration camp they were born in, than to gather them, to transport them to much smaller concentration camps and then have to spend money on Zyklon B to get rid of them.
Du Pont is really picky and choosy with which totalitarian regimes they supply extermination gas to.
It does make sense, but priorities are different so it’s less noticeable.
From a military point of view, starving the enemy is a victory in itself. Means fewer numbers to deal with.
And that’s all these people are to them, the enemy.
I’ve never missed bread. That’s so sad that there’s a population that misses bread only because another population has decided that they’re less than human.
An IAF soldier reading this article:
“Aww, how sad. I wonder if there’s anything I could do to help? Ooh, I know!”
He then proceeds to scribble “Bread” on one of the munitions he’s loading.A second soldier notices this and comes near.
“Hey man, that’s not cool. What’s she going to do with just one bread? We need a dozen loaves at least!”
He starts scribbling as well.Their commander looks on speechless and shakes his head at their antics.
“What a bunch of degenerates.”
He places his own marker aside and goes to reprimand his subordinates. Behind him a missile newly babtized ‘Dildo of Doom’ lies in silence.I dunno. This could be a Hamas ruse.
Heartbreaking. She looks so young.
She’ll age more than most of us, if she survives at all. A forced famine was always part of the plan.
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I don’t think the answer to genocide is more genocide.
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Israeli citizens are not terrorists…. The Israeli government, the IDF and the settlers are.
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Well i would just like to point out that Israel is claiming they are targeting military terrorists and infrastructure.
I’m saying that Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people is not an excuse for others to commit genocide on Israel.
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Say you’re a trash human without saying you’re a trash human
I mean, I think I understand what you are trying to say, the people who where born in Isn’treal, with an Isn’treal passport are not settlers, and while I can agree in principle, that is really not the case for the vast majority of them, the majority of citizens of Isn’treal have a second citizenship and moved in. For a settler colony so new (and arguably for any of them) it is hard to seperate normal citizen and settler
@CooperRedArmyDog people don’t have to be first generation settlers in order for a settler colony to count as a settler society.
the majority of citizens of Isn’treal have a second citizenship and moved in.
Objectively wrong, I’d encourage you to look this stat up on something factual like the this OECD website page or similar.
Israel usually has a foreign-born population of around 25% - which is about the same as the figure for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
that is not all of what accounts for 2 citizenship holding, For example if I moved to Canada, as a Yank, and had a child, my child would be born with dule citizenship, even though my child was not forign born as they had Jus Sanguin citizenship from the USA and Jus Soili (yes I know I miss spelled both of them) from Canada… and that would carry on, theoreticaly in perpituity (though realisticly at some point through the generations if they stayed in Canada at some point someone would forget to tell the USA about the new citizen and functionaly the dule citizenship would stop)
I am also aware that you do not have to be first generation to be a settler in a settler colony, I was trying to give the person I was replying to the benifit of the doubt in what they where trying to say, IE: the people who where born their, and do not have another citizenship to move to another country with are innocent civilians, as I mentioned it is hard in a settler colony to define between a “citizen” and a “settler” as a wise friend told me once, settler colonialism really F*cks with how nation states work
Where is the calling for genocide in the comment you responded to? Vaporizing a genocide machine is genocide now?
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Consider this, this side made many genocides over the years, if genocides it the first time it wouldn’t have the chance to do to another, ans we would end up with only 2, ever heard of killing the killer?
Edit: there’s obviously better solutions than genocides but the one the world is currently doing isn’t.
This is the exact reasoning that Israel is using to justify their genocide in Gaza.
It’s like people get 90% of the way towards “genocide is bad” and then add the asterisk “unless we do it.”
There is a difference between Gaza and Israel, and I just happened to come across a comment I can copy & paste:
"There is no such as a “civilian” in an occupying colony. Half the population in “israel” are military conscripts, and most of the other half are fascists and settlers just the same; there are very few people in the colony actually plotting/fighting against the state.
By your logic, the Viet Cong, which used the same tactics (attacking villages, taking hostages, using tunnels and guerilla warfare) and had the same goals (driving out foreign occupiers and reuniting their country) as Hamas, and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which (regardless of its intentions and goals) resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews at the hands of the nazis similar to how Palestinians are being killed by “israel” now after the Oct 7 assault, were “terrorists” (whatever that even means).
Hamas is currently the largest Palestinian armed resistance group (and was even directly elected by the people of Gaza at that) and deserves everyone’s support."
Whoever wrote that comment has an inaccurate grasp of the demographics of Israel and is using an argument Bin Laden made for justifying killing all those people on 9/11 - he felt everyone physically located in the US should die. It’s abhorrent and it’s advocating a crime against humanity.
Hamas was last elected about 17 years ago when half the current pupulation of Gaza were aged 1 or not born yet. Whether you support them or not is up to you but going around claiming they represent everyone in Gaza is just playing into the IDF narrative.
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Is it genocide if the people you’re killing aren’t innocent? as in, they willingly migrated to a country that exists on stolen land with the original population deprived of human rights behind a wall, and not utilizing the fact it’s the only democratic nation in area to change that, in addition to calling said original population human animals and demanding their death because you’re the choosen people deserve this land, and repeating that cycle for 70 years.
Kill the killer to prevent more killing down the line, you don’t need a religion to you that, it’s common sense, if you took someone’s life we take yours, if killing was left unpunished people would continue to kill, just google: “US genocide” and you would understand.
having the populations of all your neighboring countries want you dead since your creation should tell you something is wrong, if the middle east was democratic Israel wouldn’t exist.
This makes people on lemmy say things like “religion bad” like religions aren’t the source of most modern definitions of ‘ethics’, and makes people on lemmy promote atheism.
Am I promoting genocide? no, I’ll tell you how we can solve the problem once and for all, disband the Israeli army, send most of the population back to their home nations, and viola, is this logistically realistic? it’s as realistic as the way jews killed everyone 70 years ago and made Israel appear from nowhere and migrating that much people from all over the world it. If some jew objects, we just shoot him for terrorism, just like how he would treat others.
Also the US committed war crimes against everyone but jews, it would allow the US to 100% the war crimes book.
Is it genocide if the people you’re killing aren’t innocent? as in, they willingly migrated
Yes that’s still a genocide my dude. You need to rethink.
Okay, how do you suggest we deal with the occupation then? Bomb Yemen? Insult Natenyahu? Try and onvince the Arabs - 400,000,000+ people - who would kill to trade their life for the death of an Israeli soldier to normalize with Israel? None of these worked if you get my meaning.
I would like to see the international community enforce international law, for a start.
Can you really not see that wanting to murder civillian populations and children is wrong?
that will never happen aslong as the US 1) has veto power 2) has any influence at all
and I am not the person you are replying to, however, all none violent means have been tried, Isn’treal has been doing this genocide sense the begining, this is the only option these opressed people have, and they have the right to an armed uprising, to save themselves, to free themselves from not just an opression, but from a genocide, from extenction.
WE could be living in a Utopia but religion exists.
Look man, I am not religious, but religion is not the reason bad people do bad things, I am not going to say it is nessicarily an inharent part of their charicter, but there are other reasons. People will also do great feets of good in the name of religion as well. to boil it all down to religion is really an over simplification.
Religion is a catch-all for beliefs, ideology, etc, and it is religion. The fight is your sky God versus my sky God. Meanwhile, it’s the same fucking God.
Name a mass genocide / terrorist attack committed by atheists. And I’m talking about groups, not some neckbeard from Reddit who decided to shoot up a school.
I’ll wait.
Stalin wasn’t religious and actively tried to stamp out religion.
He killed what, 6+ million people?
I think you are confusing him with the other moustached man of WW2
Stalin “only” killed 1.2 million at the high estimate. He killed people because they were in opposition rather than a certain race like Hitler.
No Stalin was an athiest and he caused mass genocide.
Google says it could be 20+ million. Anyways, how many he killed isn’t the point.
He killed people because they were in opposition
Yeah he killed them for non-religious reasons. Religion didn’t play a part in the mass genocide.
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Yeah the official term genocide was specifically crafted to avoid including Joseph Stalin. Sure.
Athiest Joseph Stalin performed mass killing of his own people
You see lemmy has decided whenever anything bad happens religion is to blame, Measles? Religion, Global Warming? Religion, War? Religion
Idk what the fuck is going on in the US, but from what I can tell is that they are using religion as an excuse to do whatever the fuck they want (anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the bible knows this is wrong anyway), while also not changing their conservative mindset, I live in a religious conservative society as well and it is 100% the conservativesm I have a problem with, not with people believing in a god
Edit: And I am not a christian either before I get comments like ‘gO aWaY buTthUrt ChrISTOfacIst lol’, I just have studied a fair share of major religions
Ill be honest, I am an Athiest, and I had about a year where I went through the “reddit athiest” phase where all religion is evil, but religion is very rarely, especialy in modern time (but I would argue even in pre modern) the root cause of the issue, is it a stated reason, yes, is it an accelerant to the issue maybe, but very rarely have I found it to be the rout cause.
Religion in itself is not evil, but it definitely can be used in a very evil way, but I don’t think ‘kill all religion’ is the way to combat it, instead we should educate ppl about what their religion actually says, it’s pretty clear that Jesus was a socialist who wanted the rich to pay their taxes, and Islam has a mandatory charity every muslim has to give, just to name a few things, but people don’t know all this, because all they have been taught is ‘kill anyone who is not like you’, and also show that religion is something you can share, not force, and this again ties back to what I said about conservatism, people don’t want to accept they are wrong about somethings they believe in
In the US religion is absolutely being used to spearhead social conservatism and anti-government ideas. Evangelists are backing candidates who say stuff like “only while male Christians should be able to vote”. And the judge appointed to the Supreme Court that shifted it to the far right has heavy ties to that same section of Christianity.
Let’s not forget too that the entire reason we have this conflict is extremist Jews believe God gave them the entirety of Palestine and Syria.
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A lot of bad things have happened because of religion but i wouldn’t consider it the only thing keeping us from an utopia.
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Both the Afrikaans and the ANC terrorists need to be held accountable for the violence.
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Hamas has stated their goal is not the genocide of Jewish people. So maybe apply some critical thinking, look into primary sources, do some historical analysis instead of taking things at face value?
Dont forget GenoJoe and friends
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I feel her… I said the same when I did keto…