Massive Talent - I loved it!
That was also mine, didn’t really have a clue about what it was going in (other than it had Nick Cage in) and enjoyed it pretty much all the way through, great movie!
When they’re tripping in the car, I was laughing my ass off. That movie was way better than it had any right to be.
Donnie Darko. It was cool tho I had to ask my partner to explain what happened at the ending lol
This is legitimately one of my fave movies of all time
Was it the Director’s Cut version? When the movie came out, a lot of arguably necessary content was accessible on the website. A few years later the DC version added title cards to provide some of the additional content you couldn’t go online to find anymore. One of my favorite moves.
Ye it was the DC. My partner’d seen it before and I asked her if I should do the DC or not. She sorta shrugged her shoulders and was like “I guess probably?”
Fucking masterpiece is what it is.
I love the dancing in that film!
It was the first time I saw that film. So amazing!
There’s a sequel. Blues Brothers 2000. It’s not even close story wise, but the music is just as good. John Goodman is a great singer. Worth a watch.
Yeah I noticed that upon checking out Wikipedia article I linked above. Not really the same though without Belushi…
Across the Spiderverse. So good. Highly recommend.
Agreed. I’ve only gone to the movies twice in the last 2-3 years and I am soo very glad I managed to drag the wife out for spiderman.
It was fantastic. Recency bias completely but I really do think it’s better than the first.
I just wish it felt more like a complete story and not just a part one of two.
Hot Fuzz, very comedic and got intense in the last moments
The Banshee of Inisherin, I really enjoyed it. Very odd and funny in an uncomfortable, uneasy way. I especially enjoyed Kerry Condon as Siobhán, her performance was a great emotional counter point to the dead pan comedy between Colm and Pádraic.
Across the Spiderverse. I really like Mile’s story… But I was a little disappointed by how slow paced the story seemed to be imo. Nothing got resolved. The whole movie was a lead up for the ending. Really disappointed with how the studio overworked artists (although that’s par for the course these days) and how shitty the audio was before they finally fixed it. Music didn’t live up to the first movie. The first movie has music that works great as stand-alone songs, but the second movie’s soundtrack just sounds like a soundtrack.
I still enjoyed it though. I’d give the first movie a 9/10 and the second a 7/10.
John wick surprised me in being an actual good movie. No brains whatsoever but nice action.
I just watched it too. Really enjoyed it over the second and third.
I felt they did a better job of setting the mood and scene than the previous ones.
Are you talking about the first one or the 4th? After I watched the third I gave up on the franchise, it was so bloody awful in every way. The first one was a good film and it had been going downhill since
I hated two and three also but the new one is actually good.
Spiderman ATSV
It was fuckin incredible, this trilogy is going to be one of those once in a lifetime trilogies, like the Matrix Trilogy or the Dark Knight Trilogy, you mark my words.
Can’t wait for BTSV
Just saw this in the theater with my kids. I didn’t know going in that they were setting up for a third one, so was kind of bummed when (mild spoilers) they left things unresolved at the end. Still an amazing movie.
Network (1976).
A prescient film that is just as relevant today as it was almost 50 years ago. A little monologue-y at times, but that’s just the style.
A must watch film IMO, even just to see how prescient things can be.
deleted by creator
Isn’t that the appeal of the series though?
I watched the whole, but spoiler alert, you didn’t miss much
It was probably a bit minimal in the story department, but I thought the cinematography was outstanding, especially in the last hour or so. That one-shot sequence in the building was probably one of my favourite sections in any movie I’ve seen recently.
I had another experience. The power of the first John wick movie was the very simple story of a man listing his dog and his car, to an orgasmic vengeance bullet bukkake.
Four is the other way around. The story is so complicated and, too be honest, weak, that all the fantastic fight choreography in the world can’t offset it. It gets boring as you’re not even remotely emotionally engaged.
I will treat the wick saga like I did with the matrix. There is only one, shame they didn’t shoot a sequel.
My dad had on Starship Troopers earlier and it was definitely much scarier to me a decade ago. I cannot say it’s the best sci-fi film I’ve ever seen, but it’s pretty decent.
It’s a pretty smart film in the context of when it was made and the political situation in the U.S. I remember when it was released a lot of people were pissed at it, it performed pretty poorly.
I watched Tokyo Drift and Fast X back to back. Finished Tokyo Drift and loved it, felt like an actual movie with 3 acts. I made it a bit over an hour into Fast X before quitting, I honestly don’t know what I was expecting after the 9th one.
Sadly it does not stick the landing but everything up to that point is great. Love how it plays with the fact that the audience already expects Bill Skarsgård to be creepy.
Went into this one mostly blind and the unexpected transition was definitely A Moment lol.
Thanks for the Spoiler…
John dies at the end
Guardians of the Galaxy 3, pretty good.