I just used the tool linked here in the documentation to create a Bootstrap theme, but I can’t find the folder they’re referencing. I’ve used Ansible to install Lemmy, which is working fine, but I’m not really sure how to handle themes as a result. Do I place them somewhere in my Ansible stuff, or is there that directory somewhere on the server? I found the Docker /volumes/ folder, but the directory names were random strings and not labeled like they supposedly are at the link above.

  • smolgumball
    12 years ago

    According to the docs, there should be a lemmy-ui folder that was created by the Ansible install. Within that folder, the app is set up to search for an extra_themes folder by default.

    For native installation (without Docker), themes are loaded by lemmy-ui from ./extra_themes folder. A different path can be specified with LEMMY_UI_EXTRA_THEMES_FOLDER environment variable.

    Digging into the docker-compose.yml file used by the Ansible playbook, it looks like this is where extra themes directory is mapped into the lemmy-ui service.