Former President Donald J. Trump asked the Supreme Court on Monday to pause an appeals court’s ruling rejecting his claim that he is absolutely immune from criminal charges based on his attempts to subvert the 2020 election.

Unless the justices issue a stay while they consider whether to hear his promised appeal, proceedings in the criminal trial, which have been on hold, will resume.

The filing was Mr. Trump’s last-ditch effort to press his claim of total immunity, which has been rejected by two lower courts. The Supreme Court is now poised to determine whether and how fast his federal trial on charges that he tried to subvert the 2020 election will proceed. Unless the justices move quickly, the trial could be pushed into the heart of the 2024 campaign, or even past the election.


    1571 year ago

    If Trump has absolute immunity for acts committed while president, Biden should order the summary execution of Trump.

        431 year ago

        I doubt they will rule in his favor, or at least hope that is the case. The more likely scenario is that they’ll play for time. They refused to take the case early a few months ago so that it would be forced into a lower court. That court took it’s time and is now complete with the obvious ruling. Now the SCOTUS will take it up and sit on it till November.

          1 year ago

          This is doubtful. The Supreme Court fully understands that ruling the President has absolute immunity will serve to permanently undermine their own power. There is no material benefit to the Supreme Court in waiting to rule on this case, and every reason for them to make a hasty decision affirming the lower courts finding or simply refusing to hear the case altogether. Regardless of their own personal politics, it is extremely unlikely that the Supreme Court will make ANY rulings that serve to undermine or limit the authority of the judiciary.

            1 year ago

            You’re absolutely right. It’s highly unlikely they’d rule in his favor. As you said, that would give any president absolute power and that’s not agreeable to the court who, after overturning Chevron, will wield a lot more power themselves.

            I hope they refuse the case. It would have been smart for the judiciary as a whole to do that a long time ago. Let trump face trial while they still had another viable candidate in the race. However, the strategy in all of his legal fights has been to drag this out as long as possible in the hope that he becomes president and it’s all null and void. Thus allowing him to never face trial and the court to never rule either way.

        • IHeartBadCode
          31 year ago

          Now the SCOTUS will take it up and sit on it till November

          I’m doubtful they’ll sit on it. As you said, they already indicated a lack of desire to pick it up last time Trump submitted an appeal to them on this basis. I’m pretty sure everyone is expecting a repeat performance here. Remember the rule of four would apply here and I’m sure Sotomayor, Kagan, Jackson, and Roberts would do exactly the repeat as before.

          There’s just not the numbers to play petty favors for Trump here.

    • FeetiePJs
      141 year ago

      Don’t be silly. They believe that the president would only have total immunity until they were impeached by Congress. So Biden would also have to execute anyone in Congress that would vote for impeachment. After that, he should be fine. Totally normal democracy in action.

    • gregorum
      1 year ago

      That would be the most ridiculously stupid thing could do, it would be even more horrible and abhorrent than what Trump has ever threatened.

      So, no.

      What he could do, on the other hand, is unilaterally have him removed from any consideration for public office. And that would be perfectly sufficient. 

      And far more reasonable.

        1 year ago

        Joe Biden could also just revoke Donald Trump’s citizenship, which would then make him ineligible for office, and then deport him from the country. That would be simultaneously effective, and also completely hilarious.

        • gregorum
          -51 year ago

          Joe Biden could also just revoke Donald Trump’s citizenship

          no, he can’t. there are extremely narrow circumstances under which that can be done, and this situation doesn’t warrant them. and, for, like, a zillion reasons, Biden shouldn’t exercise any extra-legal powers to do so when other options exist. (such as the one I mentioned).

          That would be simultaneously effective, and also completely hilarious.

          not a good enough reason, considering the multitudinous and catastrophic consequences.

            191 year ago

            To be clear, we’re talking about jokes being made about what Biden could do if the supreme Court grants the president unrestricted unilateral total immunity for all actions legal or otherwise.

            So in the event that the president isn’t restricted by the rule of law or liable for the consequences of their actions, there’s a lot of things that Biden could do that would be advantageous for his personal political aims.

            • gregorum
              1 year ago

              To be clear, we’re talking about jokes

              ok, so I apologize for missing the context. my bad. (I have withdrawn my previous downvote)

              additionally, since I’m now off work and working my way into a bottle of Jim Beam, I’m out!

              I’m off to shipost star trek memes. good night!

              81 year ago

              I came here to say this, but you beat me to the punch while simultaneously defending my internet honor. So, thank you!

        • gregorum
          11 year ago

          lmao… I meant to type ‘abhorrent’ but autocorrect had different ideas.

          I fixed it

    • Bone
      71 year ago

      It’s what the silent majority wants

    311 year ago

    I love the fact that he’s not even trying to prove his innocence. Just yeah I did it but I shouldn’t be held accountable because I’m an infallible deity or something.

      101 year ago

      I’m sure they have at least ten other ridiculous arguments to try and waste time before they would even need to argue innocence.

  • blazera
    121 year ago

    What even is an appeals court if they dont get to settle appeals?

      201 year ago

      Generally, the appeals court is the last stop.

      In saner times, the supreme court usually only steps in when two or more appeals circuits are coming out with different rulings on similar cases.

      Trump pretty much sees the supreme court as his personal hotline.

      151 year ago

      The Supreme Court is the final appeals court, so it makes sense that they can be asked to review cases like this. However, in this case I certainly hope they do the logical thing and pass on hearing this case since the appeals court clearly got it right.

      • IHeartBadCode
        81 year ago

        This is the second time this question was tossed at SCOTUS. SCOTUS denied hearing the motion the first time around before the trail even began. I’ve yet to hear a convincing argument on why the high court would change their mind on the matter.

    71 year ago

    They have to know that if they reject the sound logic of the lower courts then their heads could be literally on the line, if not from the current president, possibly the next.