This is a fantastic game. Definitely grindy by today’s standards. I also remember getting it when it came out and how many hours upon hours I sank into it. I would also say using something with savestates and maybe some other strategies to cut some of the grind out.
It’s only grindy if you’re trying to 100% it. I’ve blazed though it multiple times without grinding at all, though maybe that’s because I’m so familiar with it.
If you fight every encounter in the game, you can probably 100% it too (in terms of completing all the quests). You might have to do some of them in a particular order, and grinding will definitely make some of them easier, but it’s definitely not a game I would call grindy.
Though some people do consider a game to be grindy if running away from most random encounters and only fighting the bosses isn’t enough to get to the end, lol
I was more thinking of getting all Gau’s mimics as being extra grindy.
Oh yeah, but most people don’t do that. I think if you want to 100% complete any RPG, it’ll be grindy. Or require a strategy guide. Or both.
The soundtrack is a masterpiece. My favourite track by far is The Decisive Battle.
This is one of those games that defined my childhood. Like the nerd, I never beat, but I revisit it every few years. Maybe I should make the effort and push to the ending.
Emulators with fast forward are the way, friend. You can do it.
This is the way. It’s how I managed to beat both Pokémon Emerald and Fire Red on my phone during my bus commute a few years ago.
You can cheat through to the ending if you know the spell combos, so it’s just pushing the story through if that’s your bag. I hope you get to experience the ending!
Just sold my copy of this game, literally earlier today. Was the last remaining SNES cartridge I owned.
How much are they going for now?
Mine went for $40. No box or booklet, just the cartridge. Sold FF2 last week for $60.
Whoever paid that $40 got a decent deal.
This is the only Final Fantasy that I have played, but have not beaten. This video showed me more of the game than I have ever seen. It also shows I haven’t even gone 1/4 of the way through! It really is hella long.
Honestly I kind of wish the Nerd kept his AVGNisms out of this one, it was nice seeing him (the character) happy for once.
He plays a good game for once.
Man, I was a preteen when this game came out. This was the game that made me love RPGs. It’s also the game that every RPG had to live up to moving forward.
It had everything. It was long, and girthy. That’s to say it was a lengthy game with a lot of content. It was veiny. Hehehe I’m just fucken with you now.
But in all seriousness it had hidden characters. It had backstories for the characters that you had to revisit. It had enemies that were disgusting yet human. All the important characters were 3 dimensional.
The game even had a quasi multiplayer mode!!!
Get Fucked Breath of Fire.
This game is a god damn masterpiece.