Interesting but worthless if the game itself is devoid of a compelling reason to stay.
This reeks of over promise under deliver. I really hope Sean learned his lesson…
Yeah, they did a complete 180 and redeemed themselves with NMS, but no way in hell am I buying their next game on launch. There’s no telling what kind of game it will be, or what it may become.
I’m worried this is just going to be another survival/base builder. The trailer didn’t show much in the way of actual things to do outside of that.
If I had to guess, the world is going to be empty and become populated by the things people build… which seems unlikely to result in particularly enticing gameplay. Guess we’ll see
Based on Hello Games’ typical MO, they want people to be able to leave their marks on the world and interact through shared events that further some goal as each person does things semi-independently of others.
Yeah I’ll keep an eye on it but there’s no way I’m getting it for at least a month after launch to see the way it turns out.
If it sucks, pass. I’ll buy it on sale if they ever fix it.
Sean literally keeps sharing memes about the fact that he’s wayyy overpromising as if it’s endearing or something stupid. And they’re getting tens of thousands of likes.
Here we go again.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!
A lot of game studios at this point seem to have forgotten that their games are supposed to contain some games. Right now they seem to contain very big numbers but nothing very much else.
I’ll keep my eye on this game but making big mountain climbable is hardly an announcement. We’ve been doing this for the last 10 years. We have no idea how big Everrest is in-game so it doesn’t mean much.
Next they will put books in the game that you can read. Books thousands of pages long, longer than the bible.
Also the game actually simulates individual atoms, and all the stars are real and not just images on a skybox.
I don’t understand why it hasn’t occurred to them that overhyping a game may not be a great idea at this point.
If I were them I’d keep quiet about it until I actually have some gameplay to show, that way I can’t put my foot in my mouth, again.
I know that they eventually fix no man’s sky but it took them ages and it would have been far easier for them if they’ve not created a problem for themselves in the first place.
So unlike No Man’s Sky I will be holding off on this one until some reviewers tell me if it actually works.
I kind of appreciate the dedication to a game by the developer when they say they’ll “still be updating it ten years from now”, although I’d much rather they release it with all of that extra shit from the start.
Essentially you could take it as the developer saying “you may as well wait ten years before playing the game, because not only will it be far cheaper, it’ll have all the extra content we didn’t manage to get ready for launch”.
You see that mountain? You can climb it!
16 times the detail!
1/10 of the frame rates
Yeah….but can you do it on release day or will it take a year after release to be available?
And it will take at minimum 26 hours, like in real life, right? Else we’re talking about altered game physics and this scale is worthless.
We’re gonna need a bigger horse