- Little Nightmares
- Hollow Knight
- CrossCode
Not sure why I didn’t play these earlier, they’re all great.
Little nightmares 1 and 2 were both amazing. I’m looking forward to the release of 3.
I actually just finished Little Nightmares 1 tonight, and it is amazing. After I finish the DLC, I’ll probably go play the second.
It’s such an odd mix of horror and cute, and I love it.
All great games. I love crosscode so much. It may be my favorite game of all time. Hope you enjoy it!
Haven’t played Little Nightmares yet, but hollow knight and cross code are stone cold classics.
Lethal Company. Its both hilarious and horrifying.
F1 2023 with my son. He’s so much better than me it’s not even funny. I started on a controller and moved to the cheapest wheel I could find and that took me from 9 seconds off of his pace to 5 seconds. This weekend I bought the entry level Moza package and now I’m 2 seconds off of his pace and finally my tire wear is reasonable. Being able to feel the tire grip is clearly critical to compete.
We have a blast as McLaren trying to best Red Bull in our two player season!
Here’s a picture of him destroying the Nuremberg ring at Micro Center while I’m getting my Moza package.
And here’s a snap he took of me on my first lap with the wheel (yes I still use the racing line and drive automatic, he’s trying to break me off of those)
- Guacamelee
- Tetris effects connected
Cyberpunk 2077. Been exploring the Phantom Liberty Expansion and new mods the last few weeks, having a great time. And now it’s downloading the last “big” patch which’ll add a lot of features so I guess I’ll be playing Cyberpunk next week as well.
Space wreck - great
Hell let loose
Project Zomboid
Unrailed! with a few friends, it scratches the same chaotic-couch-co-op itch as games like Overcooked or Moving Out.
I picked up Jedi Survivor on sale a couple days ago and it rocks. So glad we’re getting good Star Wars games again.
Every year or so, I have the urge to play Guild Wars 2, and every time, I am amazed at how I love the game design that welcome cooperation and respects the player’s engagement.
And this year I made a new friend with whom I play it’s awesome! 😀
BG3, Hades, Monster Train