In order to get up to speed with the people that are coming here without TestFlight, I’ve submitted a build to Apple with all of the current features and fixes.
I’d anticipate this to take about 24 hours, but it’s possible it will be reviewed today. Apple is weird. I’ve had things get approved in like 8 hours on Saturdays before, so there’s a chance it will happen today. I’ll update you all when that happens.
Improvements and additions:
- New icon and options for changing icon color
- New and improved swipe animation (by the way, this is better than the last update wink)
- Improvements to image viewer (double tap works now too)
- Performance enhancments throughout the app
- Hide read posts
- Images in comments
- Collapsible posts
- Default comment sort
- All of the “Top” sort options
- Show a loading modal while downloading images
- Added a manage accounts button to accounts dropdown
- Add option for reader in webview
- Settings improvements
- Added embark theme
- Added buttons in comments for upvoting and replying
- Adjustments to splashscreen
- Username doesn’t link to user profile in compact mode now
- Add option to use the default browser instead of in-app browser
- Fix issues with toast not changing color or disappearing
- Fix cake day showing the wrong year
- Fix issue where links with an internal IP address would ask for permission to local network
- Fix issues with account disappearing after app launch
- Read icon now uses the correct color
- Fix crash caused when pressing Matrix links
- Fix crash when searching for a community with an @ at the end
If any of these issues are bothering you now, rest assured they will be fixed for you quite soon.
Please give us a link in the app so we can toss you some money. Some of us want to support your hard work and don’t want to be loaded down by ads in the future.
Rest assured ads is something that will never be in this. No feature lockdowns, ads, any of that.
I can’t link anything in app for payments or donations unfortunately. Eventually there might be a tip jar though. For now if you really want, there’s a buy me a coffee.
I would say as much love as the app has received, definitely consider adding a tip jar. You’ve made a rather good app that is giving people a lot of value, so people would be more than happy to compensate you for your time. Given you can’t provide links in the app to third party payment services, this would provide the easiest route for people to do so.
agreed. i subscribed to apollo for 99c a month, i’d be more than happy to keep doing that if it helps memmy flourish
fuck reddit, there need to be viable alternatives and memmy is creating a wonderful experience
Support link still shows your Twitter account. Not sure if you’ve moved on to mastodon or not.
Oh and a huge thank you for creating an amazing app in very little time. That’s some seriously consistent hard work. Doesn’t go unappreciated. ❤️
Hmm where is that at? I don’t even use Twitter, I think I only had the account for SEO purposes. I don’t really use mastodon either, not my type of social media (twitter, bluesky, mastodon, etc.) but I do have an account there.
Given gestures vaguely I definitely don’t have any interest in using it lol
After payment, it’s on the thank you page.
Ohh ok cool. Thanks for pointing that out! I had no idea lol
It’s coffee time!
Sent $5
Hope I really don’t need to screenshot this to post in a few years… 😊 anyways, awesome app you’ve made! Can’t wait for the update to hit the AppStore, I deleted my flight test copy by mistake… 😭
The code is open sourced under a public license. The developer doesn’t own the code any more than you do. If they added ads someone could just fork it and remove them.
That said, running a large open source project is difficult and frustrating. Any donations they receive will likely be a pittance compared to what they would make spending that time coasting in a corporate dev job. Send them a few bucks as a thank you:
Sent 3 cups! Enjoy!
No feature lockdowns, ads, any of that.
I thought you were going for an Apollo clone
No feature lockdowns
What about for notifications? Surely those will start costing you something if growth continues as it has been lately.
Oddly I can’t click the buy you a coffee link in the app. It keeps collapsing the comment?
That’s awkward isn’t it 🤣
We are going to overhaul markdown for the 0.2 release hopefully, so links will have a bigger hit box. I’ve noticed this too.
You should be able to try pressing slightly below the link to get it to work though.
I went to the GitHub link and clicked from there. Hope you like coffee!!
You can send the developer a donation here:
It seems minor, but having community icons show next to the name is really important to me. I’d also love for the community name to be on the left side or closer to the title of the post (like it was in Apollo).
If you’re not on TestFlight, just know this is already done.
I’m not (it said it was full) — perfect!
Not going to lie, I miss the old memmy app logo but happy with the progress
I’m going to throw it in the next update. I actually was going to do it now but it was a headache like you couldn’t imagine getting the icon switching to work. Had a list of things to do that just never materialized because of how long it took me to get that done.
No problem, I respect the work 👍
I really like the new logo and colour, but giving people the choice is a great idea.
I appreciate the option to have different app icons! I personally love the Saturn.
And the latest testflight version is absolutely mint, it’s insane how fast you’re implementing improvements
Same. I prefer the little lemmy mouse to the planet. The new colours are dope tho. I’d love to see the lemmy mouse in a different style. Maybe we can get Apollo-style designer submissions for icons? 😍
I don’t think we’ll really iterate on the mouse, we’ll put the existing icon in there but i wouldn’t really expect new ones. We will definitely accept submissions for icons though and put the ones we like best in. Probably will want to set up a formal process for that.
That will be amazing. You guys are awesome when it comes to feedback 🙏🙌
i like that its not a damn mouse lol. it was kinda ugly.
I’d love to see the images behave a little more like Apollo, which allowed zooming out with just a double tap (which also zoomed in, or opened the album to swipe through), but to get it away, it was just a double tap to zoom out and swipe it away.
This is probably one of the absolute hardest things to replicate. I’m going to be working on it though for sure for the 0.2 release.
With that said, zoom out on double tap is fixed on this release. Swiping through the images in a post will be added in 0.2 as well as other improvements to the image viewer in general.
Awesome! I’m on the TestFlight build and loving the rapid progress. I think it was still a little janky for me and after a second double tap I’m not able to swipe the image away.
Apollo had a lot of years to polish - what you’ve done in such a short period is absolutely amazing. I donated via your buy me a coffee link, but you should absolutely charge something for this app. Putting notifications behind a paywall is perfectly reasonable.
Personally I loved the one-time Ultra purchase and would occasionally just throw some cash in the tip jar on big releases.
Yea I think that’s probably the only thing I’d consider putting behind a paywall just because of the fees that come with that for me. The one thing I never agreed with Apollo on was keeping posting behind a subscription.
For what it’s worth, I think it’s janky too. I just have not had time to focus on that, so I’m fiddling with it a bit at a time. I think once this version hits the store, we can slow down a bit and iron out a super solid 0.2. Keep the TestFlight going with a build every day or two, but with more new features coming instead of just bug fixes (things are getting ironed out finally)
A few of the remaining crashes we had should be fixed here soon too. A couple of them were actually issues with Expo rather than Memmy, but the team over there was super responsive and fixes have already been merged in. Those should be ready to be published by them here next week Id imagine
Just be careful with a one time lifetime purchase. All devs of larger apps say that was a massive mistake. Learn from their mistakes. Although I was also a lucky Ultra lifetime user, I realize that push notifications are costly. I’d recommend against anything “lifetime.” Leave yourself an out. Do major release unlocks or something like that. Gives you room to not screw yourself or your users. Seems like a good balance.
Also, don’t be afraid to be transparent on costs, etc. That helped Christian immensely and you’ll gain a lot more subscribers who wouldn’t normally subscribe because they understand the economics. The ones who don’t would be considered bad money anyway.
Even crazier is Apollo had this awesome feature for zooming in on pictures. You could double tap to zoom in, then double tap again to resize to fit the screen. But then you could also double tap and hold on the second tap and drag up or down to zoom in and out like you can in the Maps app. That I used all the time. Also, Apollo would let you zoom in really really close - double tapping would get you to a normal zoom level but then you could just keep pinching to zoom in quite far. Love what you’re doing, keep up the great work.
It’s unbelievable that you can make an app this great in this short amount of time, and that other site can’t get it right after years. Thank you for all you do, I just did the “Buy me a Coffee”!
I have two requests if possible. The first is probably the easiest - orange is my favorite color, so I’d love an orange color of the icon to rock on my home screen!
The second is probably harder. I miss the small button on the bottom right that jumps to the next parent comment. It doesn’t have to be a button, it could be a swipe or tap. When I’m in the middle of a long comment chain, sometimes I just want to bail on the thread and move to the next parent comment, but I can’t find an easy way to do that other than just scroll and look.
Again, thank you for the great app! Make sure you get that tip jar in here, you deserve to get some payment for your great work!
We can get both of those done :)
As a matter of fact I’m going to start working on the jump button this week.
Dude, you are awesome!
Our icon designer already made an orange one today, possibly from seeing this comment lol
That’s awesome, thanks! I’m gonna need to buy you guys more coffee! ☕️
Ooh the new swipe thing is so cool. Great work!
Can’t take the credit for that one. We have an amazing contributor who made that happen. Completely overhauled it for us. Super grateful for that.
What’s the new swipe functionality? I’m not on the TestFlight but the swipe I have now seems pretty smooth to me.
The key thing I noticed was when you swipe further to downvote, it’s a cool animation of the arrow turning upside down.
LOVE the new app icon! I guess I’m a minority that wasn’t a fan of the other one. The colours were just a tad too gaudy for me.
Also just generally loving all the new features and care being put into this app.
A couple notes:
- If you use swipe actions too quickly then the arrows will start pointing in all sorts of directions (not import and only if you are messing around with it)
- The image viewer feels less responsive than the original one in earlier versions. I’m not familiar with this style and I guess I’m wondering what the goal is?
I absolutely LOVE the new icon!
Thanks man looking brilliant
Added buttons in comments for upvoting and replying
Please let me hide them :-(
Don’t worry it will be there today :)
Thanks, appreciate it!
You can already hide them! Go to settings -> content -> hide comment actions. (I think actions) I added this when i implemented the buttons but forgot to tell gk that part lol. We’ve gotten some complaints about people not knowing how to vote on a comment so i made it shown by default instead.
Yeah, someone tipped me off about this in another thread, thanks :-)
We’ve gotten some complaints
I noticed! I found this very surprising tbh, but hey, at least it’s a decent option to have.
No please keep them
I’m asking for a way to hide them. I’m not asking for this feature to be removed, I just want a way to toggle this option off.
Would the option to swipe back from anywhere be possible for people that don’t use the voting gestures?
We plan on adding this eventually
Second this, probably my most missed feature from Apollo.
I didn’t get into the test flight. I downloaded as soon as it was available in the App Store. I’m loving it but anxiously awaiting the update to fix profile not loading. I’ve never had my profile load successfully
Are you using your email to sign in? If so, can you try signing in with your username?
I was. Changing to my username worked. Thanks!
Still waiting patiently for the update to show in the App Store. And by patiently I mean checking 3 times a day lmao. But I can’t believe the devs for this app. So impressed with how it’s been mostly flawless for the week I’ve used it. Will be donating soon!
Glad i´m not the only one! Apple must be busy, tiny bit over the the expected 8-24hours by now heh
Update is out now
Ok, that swipe animation do be nice tho.
One of the things I remember back from Alien Blue (I think) was that when you had a picture full screen, you could kinda grab it and “toss” if any direction to go back to the post. I think the official Reddit app may do this, but 🤷♂️
Also, scrubbing in Apollo was amazing. I noticed “wefwef” may have implemented if already.
(First time trying your app, so I will correct any inaccuracies if someone will kindly correct me)
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deleted by creator
Wait so TestFlight is getting cool stuff while us AppStore peasants don’t
Back to test flight I go lol. Glad I kept another test flight app otherwise it’d have been gone
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non tech savvy
Oh yeah I’m surprised I was even able to sign up for lemmy lol. I love the new swipe animation. Of the features that were present I would commonly see the wrong color but not only did they fix that they made it look nicer
All Memmy needs for me to happy is the ability to customize gestures cus the amount of times I’ve opened a comment section when I wanted my gesture to save or share a post is too many
I am in absolute awe of this app, tysm