Judge Arthur Engoron and his staff received a barrage of death threats and antisemitic attacks after Donald Trump targeted them on social media.
Somebody is going to have to die in order for nothing to continue happening.
“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.” -Douglas Adams
I love Douglas Adams, I literally just posted another of his quotes in this thread lol
Bold of you to assume any death would prompt action.
Related reading: US Gun Violence.
Did you read all the words?
I did now and I realize I’m an ass.
I love you.
I’m a bystander but I had to re-read it a few times and didn’t get it either … think my brain filled in the gaps instead of reading it properly
Our brain is very focused on matching anticipated patterns that you sometimes have those mishaps. By the way, that’s not a sign of stupidity, but a sign of relaxation: it means you are reading the comments as a form of stress relief.
I do that all the time 😅
To paraphrase all the words “Only country where this keeps happening, changes nothing, surprised that it keeps happening”
in Italy, for mafia trials, special protections for judges where put in place. Please USA, look at these examples.
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If this happens one or two hundred more times there might be maybe serious sort of consequences!
But one death threat towards Trump and you got the mercaroids kicking in your bathroom door.
I don’t know why Trump is getting special treatment
I know at least a couple million, but probably not a billion reasons why
(But not really)
If it was literally anyone else, they would be in jail and only allowed outside contact through their lawyers
and only allowed outside contact through their lawyers
if at all…
Lock. Him. Up.
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Nah, let’s not inflict these monsters on the poor mentally ill people.
I wonder if there is such a thing as an asshole asylum
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Captures too many not-assholes and not enough of the actual assholes.
Well we don’t seem to be putting anyone in there these days, so I’m really not sure.
There is: it’s called Florida.
God, I wish.
Are there any islands left that we can use as a penal colony? I feel like we’re going to need an island.
Technically, everything is an island.
Yes and all oceans are interconnected into one single big Lake.
all praise The Big Lake
An island named Noman.
It stands alone
Send them to North Sentinel Island.
They don’t deserve that.
I hope you’re referring to the North Sentinelese.
I am.
I’m sure Alcatraz could be rehabbed for it.
Too small. Send them all to Antarctica!
Why did we give away an entire island to prisoners?
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Y’all Qaeda
Thanks, I’m stealing this.
Steal away. Wish I could take credit for that, but it’s a callback
Funniest shit was when some hero sent them a barrell of sex lube.
How did I forget about that? Didn’t they have like a full table of dildos to go along with it?
Yeah. They gave out their address hoping their supporters would order them supplies (as if the US government can’t and won’t intercept them) and the internet stepped up to the plate.
Ah yes, it’s all coming back to me
I had some friends who chipped into buy a couple boxes of dildos that were sent over to those assholes.
Yokel Haram
YeehawdistsSuch gold. Props especially to whoever came up with “the YeeHawd”
Gravy seal team six
Y’all, please, we gotta stop pretending these guys are fat losers.
Right after 01/06 I was at a gun show and bought an old army canteen off a guy. 35-40, fit, military demeanor, all that. As I was walking off, another guy saw something that clued him in that the vendor was an Oath Keeper and they had a low-key chat. He talked about their preparations! Fucking terrorist.
My neighbor is still flying his Trump flag high. Proper flagpole, well lit, all that. Young man, fit, ex-military demeanor. I refuse to speak to him, and never will. No one else has an issue with this! They are meek and complicit.
His next-door neighbor was a former friend of mine. Again, 37 and fit as hell, but not military. First night I met him he told us his brothers were at 01/06. I gave the FBI what I knew, which wasn’t much. This guy is a smart, reasonable man, and while not a supporter, still will not disavow Trump.
I’m 52, fairly fit, well-armed and practiced. I shoot every weekend at my camp for fun. Shotguns, various pistols and rifles, I shoot it all. I’m no expert, but I can shoot better than your average bear. If it came down to brass tacks, and we were equally armed, I seriously doubt I could prevail against any of those 3 men.
For the love of god, please get armed, learn safety and practice. FFS, the GOP front-runner is speaking more and more radically. He just called me “vermin” that must be eradicated. He’s speaking of “internal enemies”. He means you. And it’s not just his usual inane rhetoric, look up Project 2025. It a fleshed-out plan to take over the executive branch and impose their will.
What the fuck will it take to get libs off their ass and prepare?! Harsh words and votes are not gonna suffice if Trump gets back in. I fully expect my neighbors to come knocking once Brown Shirts are authorized. Committee of Public Safety anyone?
“Look man, we understand you don’t agree, and that’s all good, but we gotta take your guns for your own safety. Trust us, you’ll be OK, just hand 'em over.”
Your country and your very life may be on the line soon. And yes, fighting back may mean your personal extinction. But that was in the cards anyway.
(Apologies OP! Just using your comment as a jumping off point for a rant!)
When the “mainstream” left gave up guns, I’m not sure that people understood how much power they were yielding.
What happened to Gabby Giffords sent shocks through politicians and it nudged things.
I’ve read about some churches that run paramilitary drills for their teenage boys. I imagine that’s not as isolated an incident as I wish it were. It’s really not just old fat dudes.
Okay, who are you shooting then?
Gravy squeals
Meal Team Six
Seal team six ton
Cryptosporidium, forget kill for him, did you see that one dummy who took a bullet straight through the chest? She’d never even been to a government meeting before.
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A lot of them actually were. I’m just assuming, but did you see them?
Only adjustment here is she was shot in the shoulder, not through the chest. I didn’t know you could die from getting shot in the shoulder.
edit: although initially MAGA reports said she was shot in the neck, so maybe it was technically in the shoulder but close enough to the neck to get major blood vessels.
Rollform operators.
Someone needs to just make trump “dissappear” already
He is a threat to human rights and equality
I’ve often wondered why it seems only the progressive people working to make society better for all get assassinated.
Because the chances of someone who disagrees with progressives being a murderous lunatic is much higher than someone who agrees with progressives being a murderous lunatic.
And why is that?
Aside from being borne out by modern and distant history, it makes sense that a group of people who literally don’t care about the needs of their neighbors are more receptive to murdering them.
There’s also the fact that the CIA really doesn’t seem to want the workers to get too uppity - that’s bad for business.
Good, intelligent people are progressive because they are good and intelligent. Evil, unhinged, stupid, and uneducated people are likely to be conservative because they are stupid, uneducated, evil, or crazy.
Empathy. Being able to see circumstances from a different perspective and appreciating how that makes the other person feel. And then not wanting to hurt the other people. Empathy, not selfishness.
Those sound like the types to have well-funded enemies unfortunately, on top of the more violent tendencies of the right.
Because the people who would disagree with a bad person are generally good enough people that they wouldn’t kill someone. If a bad person disagrees with a good person, all bets are off.
There is no “deep state”
after Donald Trump targeted them on social media.
…while, as a former president, being protected by the Secret Service at taxpayer expense.
That just ain’t right.
It’s as if saying “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” is a time-tested means of getting meddlesome priests murdered, and somehow it’s still effectively legal for the Trumps of the world to incite that kind of violence. It’s also as if America’s justice system plain doesn’t want to hold wealthy or powerful people accountable
This man inspires the wrong people.
It’s not just him. It’s the whole right of the spectrum right now. Here in Canada the head of the opposition in parliament tweeted a wanted sign on two senators. One of them in Cornwall, Ontario. This is growingly a radical element of shitheads that are ruining the world for the large majority.
This man should not be in a position to inspire anyone.
One of my favorite quotes:
“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
Gotta cite it – Douglas Adams. (Didn’t have to even look it up, it’s one of my favorites too)
I think it’s most* want, not must want.
He inspired me to never be like him.
This man inspires people the wrong way.
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“alright now I’m gonna turn around and count to ten, and when I turn back around you boys better have those safeties on or I’ll be really upset with all of you”
And I’ll bet he couldn’t be happier about it. That fucker needs to be launched into the sun.
I would say that something slower and more painful is in order, but he’s old, and frankly, expediency benefits us all at this point.
What do you have against the sun?
Fair point.
Any of the gas giants or their moons would also suffice.
Probably ordered by Trump himself.
You all saw it!
oh who could ever have seen this coming