Im mainly Ken-fused…
I Kencur
You kencur but do you kencede?
Have you had kenough?
Kencessions must be made
Join ur kentemporaries
Tough but fair kencapsulstion
I know we can kenllaborate on this one, Cotton
Edit: also, I’ll kencede on that point
deleted by creator
I am Ken-fused about what’s going on in this thread, but I’m reluct-Ken-t to be the one to break the pattern.
That’s awesome aha. Not sure whether I’ve done anything quite similar to this, altho Im prolly just too close to it
Just don’t ken-tracel white me.
Might need you to clarify this? Wats the actual word?
Ketracel White, the other current meme here.
How does it compare to Soma or Spice Melangé?
Lucky I Ken’t Ken-ount or I’d be kencerned
Edit: or kennot ken-ount
I motion to hold you in kentempt!
Also check out the Krispy Kreme Kreation Kompany of Karolina on Uncyclopedia!
Or Ken-victed?
Or Kenliminated?