Welcome to 2019 Queensland. Just a heads up 2020 is a bit rough
Hopefully Queensland won’t have the same abysmal design flaws that NSW had.
At the least I can confirm it checks the licence each time you sign in by connecting to the tmr.
How are you able to confirm that that’s what it’s doing? Are the requests not encrypted?
I’m not sure whether requests are encrypted, but the app itself says that it refreshed from tmr data on the main page. Of course this could just be a lie however.
cries in Western Australian
Doesn’t the ServiceWA app connect drivers licenses? I know they were saying it would when they rolled it out.
I actually researched it after I posted and from what I could gather not yet but it is in the works. Hopefully materialises faster than Transperths transition to contactless payments 😅
I think I’m missing something. Don’t the police or whoever check the license number, name etc. against a central record? Is this just about the convenience of not carrying around a plastic card? I feel like there’s more to it but I don’t know what.
our id’s have been in a digital database for some years now so this doesn’t really change anything, this is just an option for the people that would prefer not to carry a wallet at all.
That’s truly the only reason it exists.
As far as I know, patrol cars routinely scan the number plate of every car near them and do a license check automatically. The system will notify the officer if someone’s license is expired/suspended/warrant for their arrest/etc. And if the officer does pull you over, they’ve often already checked your license by the time they walk up to your door.
Even before those existed, it was common practice to use a radio to ask someone back at the police station to run the number plate of a car before pulling them over.
I’ve had a cop refer to the owner of the car I was driving (e.g. my partner’s car) by name when they’ve pulled me over for a random breath test/etc.
Can’t get this to work. Signed up to Queensland digital ID, verified my two IDs, now it asks me to sign in to the app via the TMR website. That works, then it goes back to the app, it wants me to accept the license, then it wants to sign in again. That ends in an unknown error every time.
They did announce that people should hold off as there are rollout issues (of course there are, it should have been expected)
So give it a few days.
I think the sign up server is under a lot of load - my verification email did not arrive and the app website reported an error shortly afterwards.
TMR said to give it time as the load was higher than expected and some teething issues with the servers are messing with the rollout. Its a government body so the server and bandwidth will be the cheapest tier possible and the app developed by the lowest bidder, so give it time.
Basically they specced out the backend for the load it would expect when the system is in place and in use by the steady state number of users, not for the initial influx of thousands of people trying to set it up at once. rookie error for app service rollouts, but a common one with government services.
so the server and bandwidth will be the cheapest tier possible and the app developed by the lowest bidder
But billed at the rate of the most expensive tier of infrastructure and charged at the highest bidder’s price but outsourced to the lowest bidder, of course!
Definitely is, just check in every now and then over the week as I’ve gotten in already so it’s definitely working.
Yussss. It’s about time!
“Why certainly sir, here’s my unlocked phone”
It shows a QR code on the screen, and ‘sir’ scans the code on their own phone without touching yours.
Also - you can customise the amount of data revealed, for example you might just provide proof that you’re over 18 (an therefore allowed to buy beer) without letting them see all the other details on your license.
You can pin apps in Android. Something similar in iOS I think. You should never hand a stranger an unlocked phone otherwise.