I am generally unwilling to pay extra for features I don’t need and didn’t ask for.
I am generally unwilling to pay extra for features I don’t need and didn’t ask for.
The idiocy is that the same people who normally advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of consequences, who oppose what they call ‘cancel culture’, and who think that you should be able to say anything you want, who don’t believe that words have impact - they’re the exact same people who are getting all hot under the collar over this, and are more than happy for this particular speech to have consequences.
You can’t have it any which way. I don’t condone what Kyle Gas’s said, but it’s interesting if not disturbing to see who’s the loudest in advocating for severe consequences.
Read up a bit about Ralph Babet and you’ll see what a massive hypocrite the guy is.
It wasn’t too long ago that right wingers were marching the streets in the state of Victoria, calling for the then-Premier to be hanged. One woman who later got elected to the Victorian parliament said she wouldn’t rest until she saw him hanging from the end of a rope.
Guess who didn’t oppose those calls for violence? The same people who got their knickers in a twist over this one, that’s right.
They’re not getting deported. The senator who made that demand is on the fringe, doesn’t belong to any major party or group, and speaks for nobody but himself. He couldn’t have dialled up the histrionics any more if he’d actually tried.
He also claimed that he went into politics as a ‘sacrifice’ for his country - the pay wasn’t enough for ‘all the suffering’ he’d have to ‘endure’ in parliament and all the work he’d be forced to do. He said he’d be much happier running his real estate business
Why would you need to charge it all the way up? Just plug in the PSU, switch it on, look for your file, turn it off.
Why does Torx Plus have six teeth but tamper-resistant Torx Plus has five? Whereas ‘what the fuck is this’ basically looks like it should be tamper-resistant Torx Plus?
That pistol appears to be cocked and not locked (safety off). I seriously hope there’s no round chambered.
Ich habe zwar einen Account auf feddit.org, aber meine App und Web-Frontend sind immer noch auf feddit.de eingeloggt. Und meine Kommentarhistorie mag ich auch nicht unbedingt verlieren.
“I always thought there couldn’t possibly be a God, with all the evil in the world. But perhaps… all this evil exists because there is a God. Perhaps, yes, perhaps this God just isn’t a particularly nice guy. It’s possible that God isn’t a DJ, but an arsehole.”
“He’s probably both. A DJ who exclusively plays Rammstein at a kid’s birthday party.”
“You know the saying that God created Man in His image? Well, look around. If you assume that God is an arsehole, it suddenly makes a lot of sense.”
Freely translated from The Kangaroo Chronicles by Marc-Uwe Kling
Q: What do you call people who believe in the existence of Satan?
A: Christians.
Depending on your SLA, 3 minutes can be a pretty big chunk of your monthly error budget.
It didn’t just take “Hitler’s death” for Germans to be able to vote again. It wasn’t a case of “oh look, he’s dead, now we can go back to democracy”. It took over a decade of political terror and violence, a devastating world war, and one of the most organised campaigns of mass murder and genocide in history.
Re the first part: nobody enters my house if they don’t have a key and I’m not present. Re the second part, I don’t trust any software-based technology near enough to rely on that kind of stuff without double-checking. . Turn the key, done.
So be authentic to the universe. Be authentic to the lore. Nobody knows what ‘authentically American’ will look like in fifty plus years. And it’s still a fictitious city. There is no need for details to conform with any particular city of today, American or not.
I don’t need a game that’s set in a fictional future and world to be ‘authentically American’.
To this day I don’t know what problem smart locks are supposed to solve that hasn’t already been solved by the good old lock and key combo. Requires no electricity, no internet, just works.
That means they’re not for your ears. Not that they’re designed to inflict pain. I’ve had those AirPods, they were fine for me - and my ears don’t like most earbuds that get shoved in there, and sometimes even start hurting from over-ear headphones. I now have the Airpod Pros and they’re even better, all that goes into your ear is the silicone bud, no rigid plastic in the mix.
Lots of very roundabout ‘the game isn’t difficult, you just need to get good at it’ replies in this thread, trying hard not to say the quiet part out loud…
I know this as ‘eat your frogs’.