It took so long to post this my food will be up soon haha
Hope you didn’t drive there.
I’m a professional passenger
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What are you eating?
Cheeseburger and fries “animal style” :)
You gettin the animal fries too ?
They already said they were high and at an In-and-Out…
Of course!
Okay, that sounds interesting, please describe it to us.
Animal style: Burger of your choice with hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, a mustard cooked beef patty; add pickle, extra spread, with grilled onions.
This is why food delivery apps exist. Let somebody else wait it out while you enjoy the vibe and don’t risk the DWI/DUI. Be safe boss.
Normally I would agree, but we are on the way home from a road trip. No real options due to poor planning.
Good looking out!
In that case eat up and hit the bathroom on the way out lol
If you are you and I am me, then why are you not me and me not you?
I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’joobThat’s deep
Deep like DEEZ NUTZ
Waxing poetic
tel us how good that burger tastes, it will be worth the wait
i have had nothing but the most orgasmic experiences with food while high and I can’t even imagine how good in-n-out will be
It’s really good. However, there are some locations where the line is ridiculous, with 2 or sometimes 3 lanes snaking through the parking lot. No burger is worth that wait!
yeah at the wrong time of day in-n-out turns into a crazy madhouse. some people are obsessive about it.
i mean, i’m obsessive about it, but i ain’t waiting 25min for a burger kinda obsessive.late night runs always the best tho, it’s usually calmed down by 10pm and that’s the best time to be high anyway
You have an In-n-Out open that late? The one down the street I could walk to closes at 8; about the time this was posted. Wish they were open 24/7.
The one(s) closest to me are open until 1am. I had no idea they closed so early in other places.
To be fair, it’s probably just the location. Meth central and also not a real big city; after dark it’s pretty dead around this entire area except for the meth heads skittering about.
Soo… how much wood Would a woodchuck, chuck… If. Woodchuck COULD chuck wood, and does that make you a witch??
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I got the food and it was worth the wait!