Any suggestions? I didn’t mind older/used stuff, or off brand, smaller or foreign stuff. I don’t know if Linux does tablets but I’d be open to that as well.
Battery life isn’t really an issue. I’m not going to be using it that way, it’s just for ease of access at home
I hate to come across as an Apple shill, but specifically for tablets, I may reconsider them and look for an affordable used iPad somewhere. From my own experience, theirs is the only OS that is designed tablet-first and they accordingly have a larger ecosystem of apps that are tailored to that experience. I don’t think you can find a more accessible tablet UX in the general consumer space.
Windows and Android tablets are fine, but you’re going to have a lot of compromises. In particular with Windows, you’re either going to get the x86 OS with short battery life, or the neutered ARM version that barely anything is compatible with but gives you a few hours more per charge. Android at least is more mobile-oriented and is built for ARM by default, but it makes no real distinction between phone apps and tablet apps, so most of what you’ll get is phone interfaces blown up/stretched into tablet ones. Both of these OSes are also privacy nightmares, so pick your poison there.
There are some Linux tablets out there, too, but they’ve got the same core problem as Windows, where for tablet-first experiences you’re looking at pretty small/specialized ecosystems unless you’re up for building something yourself. Starlabs makes a tablet that you can put just about any major distro of Linux on, but it’s also x86, and it ain’t cheap. There is probably cheaper out there, but you’re essentially getting what you pay for.
Huh. You made me think.
Stop that 😂
iPadOS also has an extensive set of accessibility options and exclusive apps like Staybl, which is specifically targeted at people with hand tremors.
Relevant self-promotion: I created a custom launcher, Mere Launcher, in part to help someone with tremors. This launcher uses no swipe gestures on the home page and the favorites are fairly large by default. Hope it’s useful!
Thank you so much! I’ll give it a try!
Surprisingly enough, the onn (Walmart tech brand) 12 inch tablet pro is pretty much bloat free stock Android and works really well
I own a Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1.
I’ve used Fedora for years on it, Recently swapping to Fedora Atomic. The only downside is the camera not working.
I got it off EBay with no SSD for like, $320, then the SSD + Keyboard + Pen brought it to $400. (2019/2020) (It is now being sold about $200 altogether in some listings).
I also spent money on a replacement battery a few years later (another $40), accidentally broke the screen (another $50).
It was worthwhile, this laptop, while the CPU is aging, has been enough to power my development, light gaming, and work needs for years.
Fedora with GNOME makes it relatively easy to use with 150% scaling, 200% also works but feels a bit crowded.
You can use waydroid for Android apps, although I do not recall if the touchscreen nputted correctly / consistently for it.
My main “media” device is a refurbished microsoft surface tablet running ubuntu.
I like it because it was affordable, and it’s not android so you can just install whatever. The main downside for me is battery life (only ~3h of video on full brightness).
I am not very knowledgeable of how well ubuntu works with accessibility, but do know that you can adjust icon size etc.
I’d probably be plugged in most of the time
I don’t know much about tablets and opened this thread just to see if I could learn something. I think it might be a good idea to add this detail to the main post. I’ve seen some other people mention battery life as a downside to some options, so if battery life isn’t a factor since it’s gonna be plugged in most of the time, adding it to the body of the post could nudge people to recommend options that they otherwise wouldn’t have bothered to mention.
Good luck!
Good idea, will do
I’ve got a used Samsung Galaxy Tab and its nice
I have a Samsung phone, so that was my go-to, but I like to ask because other people are smart.
I AM an apple guy but tend to get a galaxy A* tablet. Often on sale, reasonably well supported with updates. The A9+ has been pretty good.
using s9fe rnow on sale its lowkey amazi g vsn run tenkaich ps2 emulation i use it for comics yt and stremio piracy but i tested games
feel like a shill but it suprised me with how solod it is i dont need an upgrade or change a year in like i thought i might
best nits for bribhtness and good batterylife at the price its quick and has a microsd slot
hard to type but thats all tablets lol i also use nomad sculpt sometimes
Pixel tablet with GrapheneOS flashed.
The Xiaomi tablets are pretty great and reliable - Xiaomi Pad 7. The Alldocube tablets are very decent too - iPlay 60.
There is also the Fire HD 10.
I’ve used all 3. Great tablets at different price points.
I agree with the xiaomis- but only if you install custom ROM on them.
I’ll look at the other two, but I’m against the Fire on principle. I have a Kindle and its never been connected to the Internet.
My kids have Kindles and they make my life miserable almost daily. What a horrible android fork, if I used that word correctly.
You can use Fire Toolbox to disable the crap on Fire and install Play Store.
If it is from Parkinson’s or something I saw a show about people using CBD oil orally as a symptom reliever. It worked really well.
I have found CBD helpful, and for a lot of things. That health solution has been polluted a bit by Trump’s .3% THC law/mandate/whatever the hell thing it is he’s doing all the time.
So are your forced to have 3% THC in your CBD oil? Or what is this about?
How does the 2018 Farm Bill define hemp? What does it mean for FDA-regulated products?
A. At the federal level, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115-334, (the 2018 Farm Bill) was signed into law on Dec. 20, 2018. Among other things, this new law changes certain federal authorities relating to the production and marketing of hemp, defined as “the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.” These changes include removing hemp from the CSA, which means that cannabis plants and derivatives that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis are no longer controlled substances under federal law.
It allows intoxicating amounts of THC to be sold in “hemp” products like gummies, even flower. So the money’s there now, not in medicinal.
You can install linux on chuwi tablets
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Chewbacca smoothing his hair back
A large flip book, maybe. Flip it open and use it like a 15” tablet.