I’m a 3rd year medical student and I’ve already been caught off-guard a few times by the WILD medical misinformation my patients talk about, and figured that I should probably get ahead of it so that I can have some kind of response prepared. (Or know what the hell they’ve OD’d on or taken that is interfering with their actual medications)
I’m setting up a dummy tablet with a new account that isn’t tied to me in any reasonable way to collect medical misinformation from. I’m looking at adding tik tok, instagram, twitter, reddit, and facebook accounts to train the algorithms to show medical misinformation. Are there any other social media apps or websites I should add to scrape for medical misinformation?
Also, any pointers on which accounts to look for on those apps to get started? I have an instagram account for my artwork and one for sharing accurate medical information, but I’ve trained my personal algorithm to not show me all the complete bullshit for the sake of my blood pressure. (And I have never used tik tok before, so I have no goddamn clue how that app works)
The Facebook groups. They’re so batshit. I’m going to PM you a screenshot I took because I can’t share photos on this community for some reason.
It hurts my soul that this is actually a good addition.
That covers some things, but the algorithm feeds people such nonsense at such a high rate that it’s hard to keep up with.
I think your idea is laudable. Normally I’m not one to dissuade someone from fighting a good fight in the age of disinformation, but I worry that you’re coming at this problem from the wrong direction, and you alone will never be able to fight misinformation at its source.
Have you ever been able to change someone’s mind on an insane belief, just because you knew exactly where it came from? Or because you were aware of the idea before they were?
We’re talking about a hydra’s infinite rectum here. No matter what you -ectomy, more stool samples are coming than you will ever be able to process and analyze.
More often than not, a person does not rationalize their way into believing misinformation. It is not a logical process of collecting and analyzing facts. It is an emotional process of consuming content that elicits a level of fear, pride, or hate.
They fear what they do not understand.
They are proud to be a part of a group that does “understand”.
They hate feeling like they’re being told what to do and what to think. They feel a vulnerability within themselves - a gap in their knowledge - and rather than address it as an internality, they externalize it. They don’t understand because you don’t want them to understand.
To their mind, the answer can’t be complex. They have arrived at the belief that knowledgeable, professional, and underpaid experts are all wrong or outright greedy and dishonest, and that comprehending truth doesn’t require significant education and research.
Really, they believe the answer should be simple. If it isn’t, that must mean the “true” answer - the easily digestible TIL TLDR of the entire field of healthcare that they could actually understand without much effort - well, that answer must be hidden from them.
Note that this is not intended to describe a particular group or flavor of ideology or conspiracy, but rather the experience of believing in ideas that contradict observable reality, verifiable fact, and leigitimate sources of information.
You can’t just come at them with logic, evidence, or rationality. These things are necessary but insufficient. You need to approach it with emotion and empathy. Bedside manner is crucial.
Don’t waste your time trying to master the lies - spend time mastering the truth. Present your knowledge as clearly and simply as possible. Address your patients holistically. Use their language. Teach them without condescending to them. Don’t try to tear apart individual pieces of information they regurgitate, but understand the underlying themes and emotions that you can actually help them with.
Lastly, please don’t burn yourself out. It’s brave to want to immerse yourself in the rabid chaos of digital misinformation for the sake of your patients, but it’s a soul-crushing exercise that should be undertaken with extreme caution.
There are plenty of patients who really just need a good doctor more than anything else. And some of them will be more likely to believe in scientific truth when they already believe in the knowledge and good faith of a scientific expert.
Search for health and they don’t want you to know or doctors don’t want you to know.
That will be a good downtime activity, but I also want to know what the algorithms are shoveling.
The more you engage with a type of post the more they will give yo that type of post so go on tiktok or threads and just engage with a bunch of them and you will see more of it but just know that especially by engaging you will actively be worsening misinformation. I know you said 1: million doesn’t matter but especially if you are looking for source material your initial engagement could easily cause a post that would otherwise stay in those mini cults to get spread
Be aware that when you seek out medical disinfo on social media, you don’t just increase its visibility in your own feed, but in everyone else’s as well.
One account in the milieu isn’t going to make that much of a difference.
Just search any symptom and add to it “home remedies” what ever will come will probably include medical misinformation.
That covers some things, but the algorithm feeds people such nonsense at such a high rate that it’s hard to keep up with.
ask your patients where they are getting their stuff from, that way you will also know what places are more popular than others.
I do ask them, but some of the things they say/ask about are just so baffling that I’d like to know about it ahead of time so I know what to respond with or recommend instead. Also, it’s kind of along the lines of needing to know all the slang terms for drugs so I know what they’re talking about when they OD on something or take something that interferes with their actual medications.
There I can help, well kind of: not a medical advice though!
I highly appreciate the effort you’re putting in - and in addition to preparing for everything practice w few communication patterns on how to make them give you the info you need. You won’t be prepared enough for some of the shit people come up with, no chance.
S good example could be a set of guided questions or statements they should disagree or agree with.
I’m not medically educated at all so I can’t come up with food examples but what I’m trying to say is: prepare at least as well for crazy as you’re preparing for hard facts.
And for the drugs I can at least give s language perspective: slang has often very local derivates so while pages Likes these are w good stating point: https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/drug-alcohol-slang/ nothing beats a native speaker.
So you could either start a career as drug addict, or if you lack the funds and time, you could reach out to your local social workers and ask them to give a brief slang training wherever you work. From experience many are very happy to help others who get helping!
Just a few ideas, perhaps something resonates with you! Good luck ❤️
My wife is a Rheumatologist. She actually had a patient attempt to use an article SHE WROTE to argue against her diagnosis. The article the patient was “citing” was not even applicable to the symptoms the patient presented.
You may enjoy Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine. They do a lot of history stuff but as time has gone on it has more and more been about current events, exploring the history and science behind these grifts. Not exactly what you’re asking for, but Dr. Sydnee is one of my leftist role models and I think they do great work to identify and explain these things to laypeople.
This looks like a great recommendation, thank you!
Instagram reels and TikTok are filled to the brim with medical misinformation.
Facebook, tiktok, insta. Influencer girls promoting their own products, mineral stones, etc. Groups with conservatives, old people, MAGA, right wing extremists, hippies, yoga guru’s, basically any group with low IQ people who feel hurt and claim a monopoly on the truth. Truth social could be great too. And religious groups of course.
Truth social is one I hadn’t thought of. I should also look into getting on an emailing list from Goop.
I wonder if there is a list of Joe Rogan guests or an AI summary of the episodes. Also, Snopes covers a lot and won’t rot your brain.
I’ll be looking into free versions of Chat GPT and the like. And I like the idea of AI summaries of Joe Rogan because I don’t think I could actually listen to him without having an actual aneurysm.
Not really the internet, but I remember Dr. Oz being a daytime TV show that was full of quackery delivered as though it was coming from an expert.
Dr. Oz and Oprah are featured in Behind The Bastards for a reason. Oprah actually got a 7-episode mini-series.
Go on Facebook, look up and type any illness + cure