The Social Security Administration plans to reduce its workforce by 7,000 to 30,000 employees, potentially reducing its current workforce of 60,000 by up to 50%.
The agency plans “significant workforce reductions,” reassignments, and voluntary separations. Office leases in multiple states are already being terminated.
Critics warn this will severely impact service delivery to 72.5 million beneficiaries, causing field office closures and longer wait times.
The move sparks concerns about reduced access to benefits and comes amid existing understaffing and looming funding challenges.
Of all the leopards coming home to roost, these are the ones I was most anticipating.
Quite the metaphor mixing you’re doing there.
Must say I rather like it.
deleted by creator
there’s going to be a significant increase in homeless grandparents
who do you think will be buying up all those homes, all that sweet easy money passive income generating real estate?
a handful of ultra wealthy parasites are looting the country just to add a few zeros to the ends of their bank accounts.
Before going homeless, there will be a massive uptick in reverse mortgages. Remember that most retirees were able to buy houses back when they were super cheap. A reverse mortgage gives them income while effectively selling the equity in their home. As is often the case, they will be screwing over their kids and grandkids. There won’t even be a house (owned) to inherit upon their death.
The executor will be forced to sell the house to pay off the reverse mortgage, often at a discount, to exactly the types you describe.
If they were afraid of fraud they wouldn’t be firing the office workers and secretary general.
It seems like they want more fraud.
Of course they do. Then they’ll point to the increased fraud as an excuse to disband the entire program.
I see… and is the fraud in the room with us right now, Elon?
They won’t need employees, because there GOP will remove social security all together.
Nobody who has a secure retirement should be allowed to touch the social security system.
To that end, I propose seizure of the assets of Trump/Musk/et-al so that they have some skin in the game when they propose changes to the administration.
The claimed assets could be used to fund operations as part of the exchange, saving money for the taxpayers.
tax the rich.
if they don’t comply, seize their assets.
if citizens can be 'civil asset forfeiture’d for being suspected of a crime, then billionaires can have their accounts seized and lands taken for tax evasion. but how do we make the politicians afraid enough to actually do it?
Cool, it already takes 4-8 months for SS to get things done for my clients. I can’t wait for it to take over a year. I guess I should take solace in the fact that I probably won’t even have a job anymore in that time, since Trump is also going to cut Medicaid and probably every other source of income my company receives. My guys will go back to the hospital before inevitably being turned out on the street when the hospitals are no longer funded either. Guess I really don’t need to worry after all. I’m gonna have so much free time!
God bless America! 🇺🇸🫡
My boss is retiring and the amount of work they had to do just to get everything setup is insane. They had to take off work so many times just to speak with people in person at the local offices or to do research so that they choose the right medical plan. Luckily they have their wits about them and retirement money from the company. I can’t imagine anyone who is in a less fortunate or less stable situation trying to get any of this done themselves. I know they say you should have 1-2 years of expenses saved up in cash before retirement, but what about those who need it yesterday? The only two questions should be 1)are you X years or older? and 2)are you a citizen of the USA?
Helpful acronym explainer:
SSA = Social Security Administration
USSS = US Secret Service
SS = I guess ICE nowadays? Or the DOJ as a whole?
What the fuck kind of math is that up top?
Yeah honestly I have no idea how many people are losing their jobs there
As I understand it:
Currently Social Security employs about 60,000 workers.
They’re looking to cut a minimum of 7,000 employees and a maximum of 30,000 employees.
If they cut 30,000 from the existing 60,000 it would represent a 50% reduction in workforce.
The way they worded it is absolutely stupid.
That makes sense. Godamn journalism is dead.
Who could have predicted this would have led to massive fraud. When I first saw headlines about the cuts that certainly wasn’t immediately obvious to me! Oh, woe is me… were that I was wiser all those months ago!
Get a government job they said. Employment will be stable they said.
Luckily I didn’t listen.
ah. so. musk. yeah. legitamate users have a harder time getting it quickly as they need it and illegitamate users have an easier time finding cracks to crawl through. brilliant.
Retirement security shouldn’t come with a side of bureaucratic roulette.