It boggles my mind that I need to show my drivers license to get a pack of Codrals, yet people are sneaking in 6 tonnes of bute>

  • NaevaTheRat [she/her]
    1224 days ago

    Bute is a shining example of the failures of drug policy. GHB is, aside from having a low therapeutic index and being contraindicated with alcohol, not very dangerous as far as drugs go. In a better context, especially one in which concentrations were known and manufacture required the addition of say a dye and a bitterant to help prevent date rape it would have been much less harmful.

    Bute (which is metabolised to ghb) is diverted from industrial sources, which increases risk of contam. The metabolic delay causes people to redose and then OD, and it’s harder on the body because of liver metabolism. Because of it’s valid use in industry in large quantities it’s almost impossible to control.

    Yay, good work. Such winning. Saving so many lives. I love ODs and organised crime.