Someone posted a bit ago about the super station one fpga system and i decided to preorder one. Now I’m curious, what would all of your essentials be for the playstation system?

No need to give me a whole list, but if you can share me some of your standouts and why, id appreciate it.

i’ve played very little of ps1 and didn’t even realize it was a system until the ps2 came out!

    4523 days ago
    • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - because it’s literally one of the best games ever made. So good that when it borrowed the Metroid formula pretty much wholesale, they renamed the formula Metroidvania.
    • Metal Gear Solid - because it sits in the Goldilocks zone of Kojima-ness. Nutty but not impenetrable.
    • Silent Hill - because everyone should know what it’s like for seventeen pixels to make them shit themselves in fear.
    • Metal of Honor - because Call of Duty used to be the whippersnapper upstart. Know your roots, son.
    • Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 - because there were THPS games with more, but there were never THPS games that were definitively better.
    • Resident Evil 2 - because hitting your stride while defining a genre is a beautiful thing.
    • Valkyrie Profile - because the world is ending but I really want this mermaid to be happy…
    • Fear Effect - because it’s a seven hour game across four CDs but my best friend and I couldn’t put it down until we finished it on day one.
    • Vigilante 8 - because they out-Twisted-Metaled Twisted Metal.
    • G-Darius - because sometimes you just gotta blast a giant robot fish in the face with a screen-filling laser beam.
    • Incredible Crisis - because we all have bad days.
    • Tenchu - because Solid Snake shouldn’t be the only one who gets to have fun sneaking around and killing people.
    • Rakugaki Showtime - because before there was Smash Bros, there was bashing the Smiley Ball for super moves and launching ICBMs against your foes.
      422 days ago

      Some additional deeper cuts:

      • Trap Gunner - because sending your friend on a trip around the entire level into a nest of bombs and mines never gets old.
      • Syphon Filter - because, how about… the taser? (The commercial is for 2, but the first one has a better taser… trust me.)
      • The Unholy War - because it‘s basically chess but with flying bladebots and chompy little toothbastards.
      • Die Hard Trilogy - because it’s 3 games and one of them is inexplicably one of the better light gun games ever made.
      • Ghost in the Shell - because find me another game where you drive a tank that climbs walls.
      • Return Fire - because if playing Capture the Flag with military vehicles while listening to classical music isn’t a good time, I don’t know what is.
      • Star Ocean: The Second Story - because an epic JRPG with 86 possible endings and dozens of different skills like Musicianship, Blacksmithing, Cooking, and Publishing most certainly is not overkill.
      • Blast Chamber - because all sports would be better if they were played in a room where you can rotate gravity.
      • Future Cop LAPD - because sometimes I’m just tired of conserving my ammo.
      • N2O: Nitrous Oxide - because 90’s techno and lasers.
          221 days ago

          A lot of it is that depending on who your party ends up being, it stitches together each one’s ending, so beating the game may let you watch several of said endings. You don’t have to beat it 86 times.

          That said, it’s still a crazy game.

        422 days ago

        It’s one of the best, most coherent video game stories I’ve ever experienced. Super fun, utterly engrossing. The unfortunate part is the tank controls, but the story makes it totally worth it.

            221 days ago

            I know! But it’s been “Coming soon” for ages now. I hope it’s still going to come out and not suck. Fear Effect Sedna was pretty damn weak.

              221 days ago

              I loved the original! I should load it up on an emulator on my Vita. Ya don’t hear about it very often!

                221 days ago

                Glad to meet a fellow traveler. It’s a gem. I should play through it again too. I have so many little retro emulator handhelds I’m sure I could get through it on one of them in my spare time.

    23 days ago

    Wipeout 2097 - Still one of my favourite racing games of all time and has a banging soundtrack

    Gran Turismo 2 - Big enough that it needed 2 discs. A classic in sim racing.

    MediEvil - Fun humorous story and great atmosphere.

    Spyro - It was on the demo disc.

    Final Fantasy 7 & 8 - RPG classics. Nuff said.

    And a bonus game that sucked:

    Command & Conquer port - Buggy, lots of lag and terrible controls

      623 days ago

      You could link two playstations and play c&c in lan, waisted so many days on that.

      221 days ago

      The Spyro trilogy is a masterpiece! It was one of the first games to use shifting levels of detail for objects in the distance, so you could see farther away.

  • @comfyquaker@lemmy.worldOP
    22 days ago

    (Firstly, Apologize for formatting of this post)

    (As of 2/26 2:00pm ish Pacific) Thanks for all the suggestions! It is clear that this is a library of games I certainly slept on. I’m looking forward to finding them to play!

    I went through the comments and tried to tally up what people suggested and here was the list of games in no particular order, just based on the most tallies. I also combined series entires, for example Tony Hawk’s Pro skater series were all the tallies for the single entry. Here is what I see:

    1. Metal Gear Solid
    2. Final Fantasy VII
    3. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater (series)
    4. Final Fantasy IX
    5. Ape Escape
    6. Spyro the Dragon (series)
    7. Crash Bandicoot (series)
    8. Crash Team Racing
    9. Silent Hill
    10. Tekken 3
    11. Wipeout 2097/XL
    12. Xenogears
    13. Final Fantasy Tactics
    14. Syphon Filter
    15. Parappa the Rapper
    16. Gex (series)
    17. Gran Turismo 2
    18. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    19. Ridge Racer / R4
    20. Tomb Raider (series)
    21. Resident Evil (series)
    22. Medal of Honor
    23. Dino Crisis
    24. Mega Man Legends
    25. Die Hard Trilogy

    *Here were a list of games that were mentioned a few times, but didn’t reach the list: *

    MediEvil (1 & 2)

    Herc’s Adventures

    Monsters, Inc. Scream Team

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone

    Future Cop LAPD

    *Here were games mentioned once: *

    Driver 2

    King’s Field (1 & 2)

    Rapid Reload (a.k.a. Gunner’s Heaven)

    Jumping Flash!

    Bishi Bashi Special


    The Misadventures of Tron Bonne

    Tail Concerto

    Silent Bomber

    Namco Museum (Volumes 1–6)

    Tempest X3

    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

    Chrono Cross


    Valkyrie Profile

    Fear Effect

    Vigilante 8


    Incredible Crisis


    Rakugaki Showtime

    Trap Gunner

    The Unholy War

    Ghost in the Shell

    Return Fire

    Star Ocean: The Second Story

    Blast Chamber

    N2O: Nitrous Oxide

    Threads of Fate

    Disney’s Hercules

    Blood Omen (Legacy of Kain)

    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

    R-Type Delta

    Omega Boost

    Wipeout 3: Special Edition

    Bushido Blade

    Arc the Lad III

    Parasite Eve

    Jade Cocoon

    Azure Dreams

    Legend of Dragoon

    Tomba (a.k.a. Tombi)

    Rayman 2

    Soul Blade

    Spider-Man (Neversoft)

    Dead or Alive

    Frogger 2

    Jet Moto

    Rugrats: Search for Reptar

    Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

    Toy Story Racer

    Hogs of War

    Worms Armageddon

    Hydro Thunder

    Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee/Exodus

    Jackie Chan Stuntmaster

    Colin McRae Rally 2.0

    Front Mission 3


    Grand Theft Auto 2

    DDR / DDR Konamix


    Team Buddies

    Tales of Phantasia

    Suikoden II


    Legend of Legaia

    Breath of Fire III

    Guardians Crusade


    Love & Destroy

    Intelligent Qube (a.k.a. Kurushi)


    Devil Dice (a.k.a. XI)

    I have certainly played a few from the top 25, and interestingly for what little of PS1 I played, I played a fair bit of ones only mentioned once or twice. I recall playing a demo for Meidevil and having a blast, same with Tenchu, Valkyrie Profile, Blood Omen, and Harry Potter.

    What do you think?

    • I Cast Fist
      422 days ago

      The majority of Square’s games from the era are some of the best they’ve ever put out, like Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve (1 and 2) and Threads of Fate (aka Dewprism), so they’re always good choices.

      Mega Man X4 is also one of the best of the X series. X5 is still good, avoid X6, it’s very clear how rushed the game is once you start playing.

      I’d put Jackie Chan Stuntmaster in place 25 of Die Hard Trilogy and Soul Reaver on 16 in place of Gex, though every in game cutscene of Soul Reaver is unskippable, but the voice acting is pretty much the very best of the console and holds up well even today.

      Silent Bomber decidedly deserves a playthru, as does C12 Final Resistance

      PS: really hard to read the “mentioned once” list, it’s all a single line without commas or anything

    • Coriza
      221 days ago

      Very curious to me that FF9 made the list but not FF8. FF7 is a given, a seminal game. But I was a kid/teenager when both FF8 and FF9 came out and I remember FF8 being more of a hit than 9. I am sure part of it was that 9 came out more on the eol of the PS1 while the 8 was on the prime years. I think I read something about 9 becoming a cult classic over the years but I am not sure. Maybe also with the years 8 didn’t fare as well and maybe the early praise when first launched came in part trailing how well was 7 that everyone wanted for 8 to be good.

      Personally I did play a lot of 8 but I think only halfway through instead of completing like I did 7 and when 9 came around I wanted to play but never ended up playing it.

        121 days ago

        I wanted to love FF9 but even the most basic battles (grinding) take way too long! Enter battle: swirl, loading… camera flies uselessly around the battlefield… sometimes we’re at one minute already and haven’t even started doing damage yet. Not a disc or laser problem because this happens on emulators, too. Solution is to use an emulator with fast-forward.

      • @comfyquaker@lemmy.worldOP
        121 days ago

        i was expecting to see 7 mentioned but at the time of tallying just 9 was mentioned. though i could have certainly misread or glossed over it. aside from tactics on the gba i haven’t touched the series despite it being popular.

  • Omega
    1623 days ago

    So many RPGs. A few of my favorites.

    Final Fantasy VIII - It may be the best looking game on the PS1, and my personal favorite. Unique leveling.

    Arc the Lad III - The whole collection is worth it. But the third game had a streamlined polish that is rarely appreciated over the second game of the series.

    Parasite Eve - Unique gameplay and weapon upgrading (GUNS). Very adult oriented.

    Jade Cocoon - Monster capturing and MERGING. This creates completely new monsters with new stats and appearances. Infinite possibilities.

    Honorable mentions: I played these a bit, but never enough to give a full endorsement. But still they are popular picks.

    Azure Dreams - Rogue-Lite grid movement monster capture dungeon exploring.

    Legend of Dragoon - Timing emphasized attacks. Bad translations.

      • Omega
        121 days ago

        I never got around to playing that one. I’ll have to put it on my list to get around to. But after watching a video, it’s definitely more action than the games I was listing. The PS1 is really an endless supply of quality games. Castlevania Symphony of the Night would another great action RPG which is even more on the action side compared to Alundra.

  • JohnWorks
    1123 days ago

    WipEout XL, Spyro 1-3, Crash 1-3, Monster’s Inc Scream Team, Crash Team Racing, Frogger 2, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone, JetMoto, Herc’s Adventures, Rugrats Search For Reptar, Parappa The Rapper, Ridge Racer, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, The Tomb Raider games, Twisted Metal, Toy Story Racer. There’s a lot more but those are some of my favorites.

    1123 days ago

    I feel like the major one for me (that hasn’t been listed) is Ape Escape. Growing up i played the (arguably worse) remaster of it for the PSP. Genuinely interesting to play a platformer so different yet so clearly reactionary to Mario 64. And it’s also just interesting how they handle the analog sticks in terms of controls

    Like many games of the era the controls are frankly janky, but they are just so much fun

    • JohnWorks
      122 days ago

      Oddly enough I’ve never played ape escape but ape quest on the PSP was one of my favorite “forgotten” games. Dunno if you’re referring to that one or a different one lol.

  • magic_lobster_party
    923 days ago

    I go on with games I didn’t see mentioned:

    • Crash Bandicoot 2
    • R-Type Delta
    • Tekken 3

    And a bonus mention:

    • Omega Boost. Before Polyphony made Gran Turismo, they made a fun mech shoot em up. Doesn’t deserve to be on any list, but just a fun thing to bring up.

    Otherwise, a list is incomplete without:

    • Metal Gear Solid
    • Gran Turismo
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Silent Hill
    • Resident Evil
    • Tony Hawk Pro Skater
    • Wipeout (I prefer 2097)
    • Tekken 3

    These games are too culturally significant to be left out.

        21 days ago

        And from omega boost to resident evil Just play for the fun cause we’ve got it going on

        Tekken three, metal gear solid Resident evil, grand turismo Omega boost, bloody roar X-files, all over the world Come on, Ridge Racer, Odd World Winning Eleven that came on our playstation

        P–L–A–Y S-T A T-I-O-N! (Like 50x)

        Still a banger. I always had trouble understanding a lot of the lyrics. When I was a kid I could’a swore it said something like “We get to Heaven, to game on the play station” LMAO.

        • @comfyquaker@lemmy.worldOP
          221 days ago

          I thought the lyric was ‘We get a livin, that came in our possession.’ which if it was the case is deep imo for a song about playstation games lol

  • Davel23
    823 days ago


    And Ridge Racer has been mentioned, but I would go with Ridge Racer 4 which is arguably the pinnacle of the series.

  • mox
    23 days ago

    Dance Dance Revolution. It was unique, healthy, a lot of fun, and popularized a new genre: rhythm games.

    • missingno
      223 days ago

      Not sure if I would recommend the PS1 versions specifically, especially with the cheap foam pads they came with.

        123 days ago

        The actual konami dance mats are fantastic. Some minor issues if they bunched up in storage but they flatten well. Had bad luck with third party mats, especially the foam filled ones. They should have been amazing but the buttons didn’t always work right and the heavier plastic material ripped easier than the soft stuff

  • missingno
    623 days ago
    • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    • Final Fantasy VII/IX (not VIII)
    • Tales of Phantasia (has a PSP remake with a lot of extra content but that’s JP-only…)
    • Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1/2
    • Omega
      623 days ago

      But have you considered FFVIII, the best of the PS1 RPGs?

      • Hemingways_Shotgun
        122 days ago

        I’m currently replaying all of them via emulator the last few weeks, and I have to say I respectfully disagree.

        IX’s combat system just feels simplified compared to the depth that VIII had.

        Could you absolutely cheese the draw system…of course. But if you avoided the temptation, the almost limitless mechanics of stat pairing was fun to play around with when taking on different enemies.

    523 days ago

    Nobody said GTA 2 yet. Lost so many hours to that one. The last top down GTA I think.

    Also of course MGS, FFVII, FF Tactics, FFIX, THPS2. DDR konamix was decent. Oh and tekken. I had tekken 2 but I think 3 might’ve been on PS1 as well. Yoshimitsu was always my favorite and I was stoked when he was put into soul calibur with his moveset intact.