Be it a story, a joke, or even just something happening in your life, good or bad, that you want to talk about. What’s going on?
I got engaged to an amazing, clever, beautiful, caring, and supportive person and I’m so excited about it.
That’s awesome! Wishing you both the best!
Congratulations! That’s super exciting! Wishing the best for you both
🤦🏾♀️ oh wow. My phone decided to make multiple comments while in my pocket. Sorry about that.
Since I now feel obligated to actually comment here’s a pic of a dog I saw recently. I just happened to turn when I saw the cutie staring back at me :) I got a good laugh out of it. So that was nice.
Haha, that makes more sense.
That’s a great picture, absolutely adorable!
I saw a woman outside in the giant snow storm we had last weekend in flip flops and a sleeveless sundress.
That was a Floridian that got loose. Sorry!
I recently went to the west coast and they call half a inch of snow a “snow storm” and shutdown the entire city.
I sincerely hope your snow storm is more exciting than this.
Like 30 cm! It’s still there too. Many cars still stuck in the street parking spots. And it is colder than a witch’s tit.
That is indeed exciting, except I don’t know how cold is a witch’s tit :)
I like eating bones.
Kookaburra photos.
They are adorable, you should definitely share those!
I’m the guy who ditched his IT career to work at Lowe’s. Been going pretty well, except for the pay of course. Only been a month and the GM and a couple of AGMs are noticing me, giving me better/different work.
Seems I’m not getting so many evening hours, that’s my main complaint. This spring I bet I can go full daytime hours.
Being part-time allows me to pursue some woodworking projects I hope to make money on, and the 10% employee discount doesn’t hurt!
May I ask what made you ditch your IT career?
I’m in an IT career as well (admin work), relatively a newcomer (finished my apprenticeship 1-2 years ago), but honestly I’ve already considering whether this is right for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the work itself, just knowing that so many companies underfunding their IT department and thus causing more stress for it makes me question whether this is something I want to subject myself to.
Despite what you’ll hear from tech oriented spaces like lemmy, there is nothing inherently wrong with the profession. And FFS, there are 100 different paths to explore, pretty awesome. Part of it was having 30-years under my belt and simply getting burnt. My boss and a coworker were talking about Tails, sounded right up my alley, something I should be excited to learn. Realized I just didn’t give a shit.
My last job burned my passion, flamed out. On paper, it was the best employer I’ve ever had, but I was really depressed. How could I be making this much money, at a company that puts employees first, and still not be happy?! I was wracked with guilt, couldn’t understand it.
This explains why I was happy for half the pay at a previous job. I had autonomy, mastery and purpose. Also explains much of why I’m happier slinging mulch at Lowe’s. Please give this 10-minutes of your time. For anyone questioning their job or career, it’s a valuable insight into what truly makes us happy at our work.
I’m going out this weekend, an acquaintance is wanting to unload their magic the gathering collection and they’re going to hook me up with the whole thing for free. I’m excited to go through it all, I know there’s a handful of decks on top of everything else. Haven’t played much recently, but maybe this will be the push I need to return?
Having finished graduate school in September, I will be starting my new job soon, and pitching in (voluntarily) at the workplace until then is a refreshing change. It’s nice having something to do.
DVDs are better than vinyl and other older mediums
As a collector of both DVDs and vinyl records, I’m kind of confused by how DVDs are “better” when it’s an entirely separate medium?
The great molasses flood of 1919. Killed 21 people and the streets of Boston smelled of molasses for years after, yet it’s never taught in our history books.
I’ve been thinking about sharing my rule for making Lemmy a better place by having more discussions, and keeping even the arguments respectful:
Never tell another person what they are/think/believe/want.
The rule of thumb is just like in intimate relationships: Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. Don’t tell people “you obviously think…” or “you support…” or “you are…” Yes, that applies even to racists, transphobes, tankies, everybody. At best, it will never change the other person’s opinion, because everybody is the hero of their own story. At worst, other people judge you to be the asshole. If somebody is truly vile (like Neo-Nazis), disengage. It’s up to the community moderator or instance admin to remove them.
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