That West Berlin was an enclave deep within GDR, completely encircled by the Berlin wall. For some reason I thought that Berlin was right at the border between FRG and GDR with the wall splitting it in half.
That if they stop loving you, they won’t start again no matter how hard you try.
“Making ends meet” i use to think it was, “Making ends meat” like all you can afford is the cut of bits off of undesirable meat. I never saw it written down before, and now I feel dumb.
That’s a wonderful eggcorn.
I was watching a video talking about how eggcorns are an unusual category of error because they require intelligence and creativity to make. The argument was that the process goes like this:
A new word or phrase is heard, but not understood. The brain makes sense of it using existing vocabulary that has sounds that are close enough. This is accompanied an explanation for why those specific words make sense in this new context.
For example: the original eggcorn was a mishearing of acorn. Egg because it’s roughly egg shaped, and corn is sometimes used to describe small objects similar to how grain can be.
All this to say, it’s maybe not something to feel dumb about. Your brain did something neat.
It actually refers to tying a napkin around your neck before eating. You had to “make the ends meet” before you could eat
I had only ever see trebuchet written, i had never heard it spoken. So young me thought it was pronounced tray-bucket. I was in my 40s before i finally heard someone discussing catapult vs trebuchet and realized it was french.
First, you get an ogre to bend a tree down to the ground. Then you fasten a bucket to the top of the tree, and put a rock in the bucket. Then you tell the ogre to let the tree loose, and the rock flies out and smashes your enemy’s castle.
This is the invention of the tree-bucket.
Well guess who’s pronouncing it tray bucket from now on
(It’s me)
Thanks for clarifying
When using Google Maps for driving directions, you can swipe left and it will show/speak the next upcoming step. I had no idea about this and I’ve been using Google maps for ages.
Holy crap, this could be a game changer for me. I live in an area with a ton of highway interchanges, so it not uncommon to get directs that say in 5 mile stay left on road XYZ, then right after that, it like exit right in .0001 miles. So, I’m always scrolling up on the map to see what’s really coming up.
If you are a dude sit down to pee when you are home… feels weird for like a day but it is fantastic. No more trying to aim on the middle of the night while trying to close your eyes, no more rouge pee stream, just a like moment to sit and relax.
I do notice though that when trying to pee sitting, I don’t get everything out. A lot of times, I stand up afterwards and still get some more out
Ya gotta lean forward and give it a good jiggle before you get up and it is usually ok
I learned this lesson pretty quickly, once I started to have to clean my own apartment.
Haha exactly, no matter how careful you are you can’t stop a 3am wild pee fork.
Weird, based on your username I’d have guessed you had different pissing habits.
Haha Well I didn’t say I was StandingPissinSelfNdriveway.