Do you cave and use both hands? Do you take the chance and try to use them one-handed when more actively using them? Or do you ultimately submit and get an accessory to kinda help, at least with keeping a hold of them?
l o n g f i n g o r
b i g h a n d
a few other answers:
just use both hands, get an accessory, and/or balance on pinky and develop the toughest pinky imaginable
find some smol phone you like and savor it for as long as it works
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Hands so big people cant see a glass when I’m holding it
I used to have a president who described their hands like this.
Why are all the options so defeatists? Using both hands is not caving in, using a pop socket or whatever accessory is not a failure, you are not being submitted. What is this, competitive smart phone use?
I use my phone one handed like 80% of the time. I use both hands to type long texts exclusively. I would hold it with both hands if I’m watching a long YouTube video as it’s more comfortable. It’s just a standard 6.5" phone, my hands are not even large at all. I do agree that more significantly different sizes of phones should be an option.
What is this, competitive smart phone use?
No, but the options are defeatist because they reflect my feelings related to the broad design trends of phones being bigger, and my preference for handling a phone one-handed. For me personally, it’s caving in (and frankly just clumsy feeling) to have to use both hands to handle phones (in portrait orientation) that are in a weird size range that’s almost too big but not so much so that they’re no longer portable.
Also in my opinion while it’s absolutely not a personal failure to use an accessory to help handle larger phones, it simply is a design failure. It’s like having to put a label on a door to tell people how to open it, that’s courtesy of a design failure that made opening the door ambiguous.
Anyway, 6.5" is a large phone to me, so that being a “standard” is why the phrasing is so defeatist. You’re stuck in an awkward compromise if you want a device capable and comfortable: get some less powerful but smaller option (e.g. Jelly), or something that even on the smaller end is still relatively large (e.g. Zenfone 8/9).
For me, the samsung flagships have been a godsend - small enough to use one-handed, yet powerful.
People hate on Samsung but the UI has improved over the past few years, and whatever bloat they have can mostly be uninstalled now.
As a bonus, I like the Samsung quick toggles much, much more than the pixel ones.
Get a Z flip. Foldables are the current answer of the industry to your pledge.
EDIT: Just noticed the door sign comment. LOL, we are legally required to put a sign to tell people how to open doors in every single public door. Yet people get it wrong all the time. That’s 100% not a design problem, there’s very little to change in door design that affect usability like that. Like, literally has handle/knob or doesn’t have handle.
Big ass hands
Hyphen omitted intentionally to let the reader decide which reading would bring them more joy.
Ha! :-)
I don’t. Popsocket all the way. Even big men with big hands can’t one hand these phones anymore.
I want a small phone with an OLED 1080 display that is supported by lineage OS and has a headphone jack. That’s all I want, I don’t care about processor or ram being mid, mediocre camera is fine, I need decent storage though, or an SD slot.
I have a s22+
I always get told I have piano fingers
I used to use a popsocket, but I switched to a phone wallet
Back, Home, and Recent tabs are all on the bottom with a simple swipe up.
I keep my phone resting on my pinky
With it like that, my thumb can reach 2/3 of the way to the top.
Placing my pinky under the phone, I can reach my thumb to the top left corner.
Most of the time, I never need to reach up there
But as for typing, I typed this whole thing one handed
I enjoy the big screen
Thank you for the actual, technical explanation.
My girlfriend loves her iPhone mini
She has small baby hands
I can curl my fingers over the tops of hers if we matched up hands
Mini feels so small in my hands and I don’t know if it’s just the different keyboard, but I can’t type on it very well
So I could even see that as a downside of me going to a smaller phone
I got ahead of it by growing big hands years ago
big hands make 6.7 inch phones seem small
Corner wedged into bottom of palm with index finger supporting the top corner and remaining fingers supporting the back, thumb to navigate.
And the bottom rests on the pinky.
I’ve actually got a callus on the inside portion of my pinky from my phone resting there all the time.
I had to stop handling my phone this way 'cause it felt like that may have been happening, but not quickly enough to mitigate the general discomfort.
I just rest the phone on my pinky, hold it with the other 3 fingers behind it, and use my thumb. When I got a bigger phone it made my pinky sore for a few days and then it got strong enough. I use both hands to type.
I tried a bunch of things - popsockets, elastic band things, i even pasted high-friction grip tape to the sides and back of the phone directly.
After 2 years, I just went out and got a smaller phone lol
Same. Sometimes while laying in bed my cat drapes herself across my arm, and it was impossible to use it with just one hand. I didn’t have the reach.
I thought popsockets were SO FUCKING STUPID…until I tried one.
I succumbed. I have tiny hands. Tiny, prematurely achy hands. The popsocket helps so much, and they send coupons occasionally for mounts.
Bonus: if your popsocket slides around on your mount, stick a rubber band on it or dunk it in plastidip, you’re welcome lol
it’s annoying in your pocket and when using wireless charging though
You got me on wireless charging (I have a spidgen case that pops right off if I need to use the backside of the phone, but I’m sure something like an OtterBox would be an UNBELIEVABLE pain in the ass), but they do make a popsocket that helps a little with pocket shenanigans.
It still catches some in girljeans but that’s mostly because SMALL POCKETS SUCK. My note20 slides in just fine in the dudepants I have lol
idk, after a while I realised I shouldn’t be fighting so hard to use my phone. I use my phone one handed a lot on public transit so it got to the point where I decided I should actually get a phone that fits my needs, instead of trying to work around the issues with my phone.
Got the smallest samsung flagship and I’ve been really happy with it.
Popsocket makes wireless chargers with holes in the center so you can still use them. Limiting, but functional.
I use it one-handed. My pinky supports the bottom of the phone, rest of the fingers support the back, I navigate with my thumb. If I need to type for an extended period of time I use both thumbs to type more quickly. I use the Galaxy Note 10+ which I think is well into being considered a large phone
Same, I’ve tiny hands and a Note 9. Works fine.
I have big hands.
I use a pop socket to handle my phone one handed. Sometimes I type with both thumbs.
Edit: I use a s23 ultra and it’s probably one of the heaviest phones I’ve had.
Didn’t read the question very well, eh?
Didn’t read the post body very well, eh?
Or do you ultimately submit and get an accessory to kinda help, at least with keeping a hold of them?
I have large hands.
Same, large hands here. Smaller phones are uncomfortable.
On the flip side, my wife gets the smaller version of our phones because she has tiny hands. Her hands get cramps from holding up larger phones and she has mild tendonitis in her wrists from previous large/heavy phones.
She also has to shop for shoes in the kids’ aisles, so you know… she’s kind of a petite person all around.
I just have big fucking hands
A Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra fits just about right with no case.