Edit: you just have to be selective at your victim or do mass shooting.
Nah, vast majority of murders are not noteworthy and the killer has no article.
The quickest and easiest way would be to make one for yourself.
Killing a single, random person isn’t going to get you anything.
Wikipedia has a page talking about making your own page. Its definitely biased, focusing on why its a poor idea, but it was still a mildly interesting read.
Not really. You have to kill someone whos famous enough in their own right to get a page (organically not just a bs make your own). Tons of folks get killed everyday and the killers don’t get a page.
Serial killers get pages, but that seems like a lot of work
yeah thats multiple someones over a lot of years and then there is the whole not getting caught and evading arrest. Its just a list of endless headaches.
Someone once said that if you wanted your name to be known forever, your best bet would be to eat the Mona Lisa.
And yet, can anyone off the top of their head tell me who it was that originally said that?
Someone who didn’t eat the Mona Lisa.
Actually, the easiest way is to just go edit Wikipedia and make the page. It might violate rules, but so does murder
It might violate rules, but so does murder
But murdering people won’t get your edits reverted. If you take out some of the over zealous wikipedia police your page is guaranteed.
Shooting up a school is the easiest way to go from nobody to everyone talking about you the next day. Grim but true.
If I were a dictator I’d probably make it illegal to publish the names or any other information about the shooter. Even better if media wouldn’t report on the shooting at all but I feel like prohibiting that would be taking it too far.
Killing someone more important has always been a ticket to, not fame, but infamy.
Comes from latin for “ill famed” or “of evil reputation.”
I’m sure a lot of the victims were just kicking themselves after they’d died
Or you could just make one for yourself? Can you not???
it will be deleted very quickly for lack of relevance.
Astroturfing your own relevance has got to be easier than planning a noteworthy murder.
Murder is relatively easy. Avoiding the consequences is not.
The consequences are a prerequisite to get “your own” page, I’d argue. I’d say it only counts as “yours” if you’re identified, the page for say The Zodiac or D.B. Cooper it isn’t “yours,” it belongs to the named entity as an idea, until linked with “your” identity.
Not if you use your profile page to do it.
nah just publish a really racist book or something.“Flick Flickerson, author of the controversial title Every Slur I Know…”
Fuck that, it’s a scamp. They gave my page to Lee Harvey Oswald
Did your mom name you Lee Harvey oswald?
Did your mom, aka Mrs Oswald, not know that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, or was she like really proud of that fact and wanted to carry on his legacy?
Did she legally change her last name to Oswald just so she could name you Lee Harvey Oswald?
Or are you like a Jr and your dad is Lee Harvey Oswald Sr?
Did your mom bully your dad into changing his name to Lee Harvey Oswald?
No, I was implying that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t do shit. He’s just an imposter who took all the credit for my hard work. Months of careful planning and a risky execution, but who gets the credit? The guy I hired to deliver the rifle.
Oh shit it’s E. Howard Hunt’s lemmy account!
Really you need to kill several someone’s, preferably at once if you’d like your own page in short order.
Not the kind of shit you should say because, just like their names shouldn’t be reported, you don’t want to inspire people to kill others to become known.
Oh boohoo let people have fun
But on a real note, I think most people have already figured this out, it has to contribute at least a little to such public displays, otherwise they’d be trying to get away with it.
Trying to be memorable is a narcissist trait I wish would go away. After the planet cleanses itself of humanity because America elected their chief narcissist, there will be nobody around to read Wikipedia.
A shower thought with a long history:
Herostratus (Ancient Greek: Ἡρόστρατος) was a 4th-century BC Greek, accused of seeking notoriety as an arsonist by destroying the second Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (on the outskirts of present-day Selçuk), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The act prompted his execution and the creation of a damnatio memoriae law forbidding anyone to mention his name, orally or in writing. The law was ultimately ineffective, as evidenced by surviving accounts of his crime. Thus, Herostratus has become an eponym for someone who commits a criminal act in order to become famous.
You could also just jump the fence to a high security building and nobody gets hurt, unless there’s barbed wire of course