I mean, I get it. For bingewatching to be effective such option must exist. But I just can’t imagine to skip Star Trek intros. It’s part of the anticipation, the joy, the ritual. What about you? Do you skip intros?
Just Enterprise. Man I still hate that intro.
Really? But it’s been a long road gettin from there to here….
I love it.
It’s absolutely NOT Star Trek, and whoever decided that it would match a series of Star Trek is a moron…but for a standard sci-fi show it’s a good song choice.
I tried Enterprise back when it came out and I was out after a couple episides. I just couldn’t do it
Oh, Enterprise is pretty poor. There were some solid ideas, but at the time it was just too big a departure from Star Trek for it to be taken seriously.
Now, if Enterprise were the lead-up to First Contact, the intro would make sense as it would be an early prequel to everything…
The end credits music was quite good if I remember right though.
The end credits song were originally suppose to be the intro song but was changed last minute.
[citation needed]
I’ve read the exact opposite, that they always wanted a pop song for the credits, but nearly waffled on it just before it aired.
I can understand not vibing with the song, but the montage and what it represents is peak Trek to me. I love it to death.
It’s vile.
…bubbly and cloying and happy.
There is something about my hatred for the Enterprise intro which compels me to endure it.
Is it a weird guilt thing?
I hated that song when the programme was new, but now I feel guilty about it, because someone was trying their best, and they wrote, re-wrote, edited and worked on that song and for every instrument and vocal, someone practised and practised and performed, and even if it wasn’t quite to my taste, it doesn’t mean it was bad, and I picture them still crying themselves to sleep at night, twenty years later, going “everyone hates the song I did for Star Trek Enterprise and now I hate myself”, so I make sure to watch the full intro so I don’t hurt their feelings.
That’s what everyone else does too, right?
I watched the intro during the first season of every series. After that I generally skipped the intro. I found out they actually re-recorded/remixed the Enterprise intro somewhere late in the series when I was late to click the skip intro button. It still sucks and I hate it.
Season 3 had the new intro (I’m watching it now) and it was a better version, but still a corny rock ballad so I still am a meh/10.
That song actually has three full verses, only the first is used for the intro credits
I’m thankful for that.
SPACE . . .
🎶🎶 It’s been a long road… 🎶🎶
I was just complaining that ds9 has a 90+ second intro… it’s just too much
I laughed so much when they lampshaded that in Lower Decks
Ransom: “Just keep circling.”
It’s a snooze-fest! Slow panning shots for 75 seconds until the wormhole opens briefly. Low-tempo, gentle music. You ride a slow moving elevator to arrive at the show’s content matter.
it’s the absolute BEST for sleeping to
Yes I actually think DS9 has the best intro overall… but it is also the one I skip most often for the reason you give.
ya know, youre absolutely right. when im in the mood it is absolutely beautiful.
I just love when the station appears on screen so small, alone in deep space with the lone french horn playing… then suddenly it flashes up close! And we see a flurry of activity! It reminds me of a whale fall or some other deep sea island of life.
Rarely. A good intro gives me a moment to set aside real-life worries and get into the right mindset to enjoy the show. TNG, DS9, VOY, and SNW are all bangers.
Yeah, I actually MISS intros on shows that don’t have them. I forget when in the 2000’s or 2010’s they started that, but it aggravated me almost as much as the cutback from 20+ episodes a season to fewer.
Even skipped it back in the days when we were recording TNG episodes on tape. Fast forward and a magical chant of ‘Gene, Gene, Gene…’ to ensure stopping at Gene Roddenberry’s name as it indicated the end of the intro
For binge-watching yes. If I’m in the mood and it’s the one off occasion that I’m re-watching some old episode (or the newest one of the week), then of course not 😅
Usually, but I love the optimistic fanfare of the TNG intro, and it has a habit of drawing me in.
Only Enterprise lol
If it’s Enterprise? Definitely. Or I mute it.
When streaming I do because I’m binging, but regardless of how I’m watching I will NEVER skip TNG intros. My god what a masterpiece, even the end credits are just a capstone to perfection.
If it has opening narration, I don’t skip it.
I’m a sucker for that sort of pageantry.
even when binging I watch the voyager intro every few episodes, I love the music too much
The intro music is the best part of VOY.
TNG’s music is engraved on my soul tho.
never skip the ds9 intro; i’m too busy crying and grandly humming along.
You don’t skip the Enterprise intro?
It’s been a long time…
What have I done
Yeah, I often fall asleep to a TNG playlist where I’ve selected all the most cozy episodes (e.g., no Borg or “4 lights!” because those are amazing but stressful) but being jolted wide awake by that jarringly loud intro music is less fun than nodding off to Picard romancing Lwaxana with Shakespeare quotes.
Do you count The Inner Light as one of the cozy episodes or stressful episodes?
Good question… it’s not on my playlist but it’s probably actually cozy. I just don’t tend to watch that one often because it makes me feel sad.
My top 3 favorite cozy episodes are Data’s Day, Déjà Q, and Manhunt. Horny Lwaxana is an inspiration; her reactions to her daughter’s slut shaming comments are so priceless to me.
Gotta agree with Data’s Day. In that same vein, I also love Hero Worship.
Using book mode, I once typed the entirety of The Inner Light script in Monkeytype. My meme description of that episode is “Picard plays Animal Crossing VR and then has his entire save deleted.”