I haven’t yet gotten a car, nor do I plan to.
Why not?
Because if you can operate without one, life is so much better.
Cars ruin cities.
But if a city is already ruined or you live in a village without a bus station, it makes travel a lot easier.
Yep. Sounds like you can’t really operate without one. :(
That sucks. I’m sorry.
Well, I won’t enjoy loosing ~1060€ for the license, but I feel like I would at least enjoy driving a car.
My first car was the cheapest salvage title I could find, broken tape deck and radio stuck on one channel. Based on era, the first song was probably something by Nickelback.
Your comment just kept getting worse. I love it.
Please tell us that you have moved on to a better car. That was a painful read hahaha.
Ha, literally sitting by my 2012 Toyota Camry on this Friday night waiting for the AC cleaner to do its thing. I loaned it to someone while I was out of town for a couple weeks and I got it back smelling of mold and mildew. I can’t drive it a mile without feeling ill. Tomorrow I will scrub and vacuum the interior. This “someone” has already moved to my blacklist.
So an upgrade from my high school car? Yes. A good car? Not really.
In the spirit of OPs question, and very appropriate to my situation, I’m listening to C’est la Vie by The Weathers.
If you aren’t listening to C’est la Vie by Bewitched, you are good, but the Sabrina (animated) theme song is actually decent.
Dire Straits - Money for Nothing. It was on a cassette in my parents car. Not what I normally listen to, but it’s an alright song, and after having had to endure whatever my parents decided to listen to, that was what I decided to turn up on my first drive alone.
I think the first thing I brought into the car with the intent to listen to it while driving was Dream Theater - Awake, freshly recorded from CD onto tape
I don’t remember after my first car. But I got a really big raise at work one year and bought the new Malibu the year it was redesigned. Black with leather interior. First song played:
Radar Love by Golden Earring
It’s a great fucking song to drive too fast to.
I played Royal by Deon Custom and KRNE
Heeell yes! I used to blast Italics all the time. It’s from that wonderful music era of my life from 2014-2016 where I exclusively found music on SoundCloud.
You are my people.
Must have been Lee Scratch Perry. Not a song, a handful of tapes played over and over and.
Back in the early 2000s I bought my first own car. It had a radio with cassatte. I had a mixtape that I carried around, with a walkman (albeit not the original one from Sony). When I drove the car home - stil with temporary number plates, because I needed to register the car to my name - the song Turn The Page played a few minutes into the drive. I will always associate this song with that particular event.
Probably something by the RHCP, but I cannot remember properly
I have never been happy about driving. I probably to turned the radio on and listen to whatever was playing on the local station. Might have been Champaigne with Chris Rock.
Carmageddon soundtrack
What a game
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I stuck Oracular Spectacular by MGMT into the CD player of my Miata (second car) when I bought it. I bought it in the winter when I couldn’t drive it so the album always brings me back to working on it.
Eve 6 - “Open Road Song”
REM’s Drive, I know it’s trite but I actually like Blossom.