Super Mario Bros. on NES
Same here!
Xmas ‘85 was magical!
Same! The Mario and Duckhunt combo.
That’s the one we had! I still have that zapper somewhere…
Same, but on Gameboy Colour
I can hear this picture… played so much of this back in the day.
Oregon Trail
They had it installed on the computer in my 5th grade classroom.
Damn that might be mine too. We didn’t get to have video games when I was little. Then I discovered PC gaming via Runescape😂
Combat on Atari 2600.
Here I thought I was ancient because it was combat. Seems like there are many of us old farts around here.
Same here. Either that or Missile Command, I got both at the same time and I just don’t exactly remember for sure.
On a Commodore64?
No. Pong. Analog rotary controllers. Not the original, but the consumer stuff that came shortly after. No digital electronics whatsoever.
I had this one.
Lemmings on MS DOS. I think it was DOS, I was like 10.
The Super Mario Bros /Duck Hunt cartridge.
Tank wars - MS DOS
Probably closely followed by Lemmings, Commander Keen & Duke Nukem.Oh man, your comment made me remember my first game that was just like tank wars. I always called it banana wars because you were 2 apes that threw bananas at each other.
Just found it… “QBasic - gorrilas” So many memories playing this against my dad, punching a hole straight through some buildings at high velocity because he could never figure out how to do adjust his angle and velocity to account for the shifting wind speeds.
Yup it came as a demo when they shipped Qbasic with DOS 3.5 I think…
The first game I ever modified.
Commander Keen 4. I still love the whole series and play those games from time to time.
After that, my dad got me Doom, Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem 3D. Giving hookers money as a seven-year old in a video game was glorious, the old man has good taste.
Shake it, baby!
The original Commander Keen for me!
Super Mario Bros most likely
For most people under 50 i would guess they cant remember which it was. Even 40 years ago there were lots of arcade games, home game systems, and little portable game devices. So most people under 50 probably can’t remember the actual first one they played.
But you can answer the question “what’s the first video game that you remember playing?”
For me it was some atari 2600 game that a much older cousin had, i don’t remember which specific game it was.
I’m 47, and the early games for me were clear. Five year olds don’t get to play arcade machines in we 1982, but they do get to play an older relative’s game and watch
And that stuff is memorable
I doubt the post iPad (maybe the post home computer) people have much chance though. 3 year olds have games made for them, though they’re in this thread, naming popular games
Some five year olds got to play arcade machines in 1982 :)
Lucky kids
I mean, the machines were everywhere. And if your parents happened to have a quarter (or sometimes a dime), and if you were good/persistent enough…
Fucking thank you… I had to scroll waaaaaaay down to finally find someone who’s ass is as old as mine.
It would either be Golden Axe or Space Cadet Pinball.
I’ll start: my earliest memory is playing Cool Croc Twins with my big brother on his Commodore 64. I also remember watching him play Shinobi or The Last Ninja (although both games look entirely different, I can’t say with any certainty which one it was).