Stuff Made Here - blows my mind with each new video. I can’t even imagine being able to dream up his creations let alone design and create them.
Technology Connections - you didn’t know you were going to love learning about dishwashers and other appliances, but you are.
Foureyes Furniture - interesting custom furniture design and build sequences with very good editing and voiceover.
Marling Baits - Custom fishing lures that vary from lifelike (using real fish skin) to absurd (a lightsaber) to ultra absurd (a block of wood).
Project Farm - head to head comparisons of common tools or other household projects. Very no nonsense and a ton of information packed in quick.
Inheritance Machining - a man documenting rediscovering his passion for machining after inheriting his grandfather’s machine shop. Excellent narrative scriptwriting, recurring video elements, buttery smooth voiceover, and oddly satisfying machining footage.
Seems like you might also enjoy Cody’s lab and This old Tony
I do enjoy Cody’s Lab from time to time. I’ll have to check out This old Tony.
Besides This Old Tony, RotarySMP is wonderful channel featuring machining, CNC, tidbits of aviation.
Technology Connections - you didn’t know you were going to love learning about dishwashers and other appliances, but you are.
Not just that but really great comedic writing and delivery. I love the just right amount of sarcasm and pedantry. Not too much to be annoying, just enough to be hilarious.
If you enjoy a good voiceover, check out Beau Miles and Bobby Fingers. Beau is all about his adventure philosophy and Bobby doesn’t need an introduction. There’s just no way to discribe his videos, highly recommended.
Primitive Technology. Guy in the jungle builds houses and makes pottery from scratch and I mean from scratch. He even gets into forging a little bit, made a crude iron knife from ore he collected himself.
obligatory note, that the channel has closed captions where he explains what he’s doing
The new blower he made is so facinating. The leaf as a valve is just so cool to see :D
- PBS Space Time
- Antov Petrov
- Daily Dose of Internet
- Red Letter Media
- Veritasium
Excluded the ones I find from Nebula and can view without YouTube BS.
I’d love some nebula channel recommendations as well
Not OP, but most of what I watch is on Youtube as well except for Lindsay Ellis and The Great War.
- Lindsay Ellis
- The Great War
- PolyMatter & Polyphonic
- FilmJoy AKA Movies with Mikey
- 12tone
Slightly defunct with good backlogs:
- Just Write
- Lessons from the Screenplay
- Now You See It
- Middle 8
- kaptainkristian
Thank you!
My favorite Nebula channels.
- Lessons From The Screenplay
- Like Stories Of Old
- Philosophy Tube
- The Science Asylum
- Up and Atom
I would also like hear some suggestion from Nebula.
Is Nebula good? Every time I watch Practical Engineering, I’m tempted to get it.
It’s not bad. The biggest downside is just that it isn’t that big so I’ve only found a couple channels on there that I’m interested in so far. I decided to give it a shot because I really hate ads, so even just having a couple channels I liked (like neo and Mustard) ad-free was worth giving it a shot. I used a creator link to sign up at a discount which also made the price a more palatable $30 for a year:
I assume you can replace the last part of that URL with a different channel’s slug to support that channel
Why not list the ones on Nebula?
- Actual financial advice, not WSB style but actual real life advice
- Fascinating videos on “deinfluencing” and what drives people addicted to TikTok
- Deep dives into companies, both failed and successful.
- Want to know exactly how Blockbuster failed? He’ll tell you.
- A humor based approach to the climate crisis. Where normally my anxiety flares, this guy goes above and beyond to make interesting and factual videos, while not being 100% doomer.
Alan Fischer (aka the Armchair Urbanist)
- Videos on Philly and urbanization
- Good train nerd, with fantastic videos on things like Conrail, and how Amtrak became a thing.
Climate Town absolute banger. Love that guy!
He’s such a great speaker, and does a such a great job at telling people the facts but keeping it light. He’s had direct changes in my life, I’m currently working on removing natural gas from my home thanks to his info.
Also good channels for city planning topics and bicycle commuting are:
• NotJustBikes
• ShifterI think the
in your climate town link is messing up my client (Alexandrite). For others who experience the same, here’s an alternate URL:
I went through my subscription list on FreeTube and filtered these out (the list was much lengthier initially :p)
- Alt Shift X — well detailed and narrated videos about fantasy series such as Dune, ASOIAF.
- Captain Disillusion — very well made videos about VFX.
- Computerphile — computer science twin of Numberphile; neat videos about the field with a wide range of guests.
- EthosLab — pretty much the only Minecraft creator I still watch; witty, quiet and virtually the same for a long time.
- hbomberguy — well known video essayist, easily one of the best in the platform
- Jacob Geller — another quality essayist, exploring different themes, such as horror
- Lemino — very well known creator focusing on mysteries, with incredible narration and stunning visuals
- LockPickingLawyer — very simple, to the point and informative channel about locks and lockpicking; also virtually unchanged for years
- Oversimplified — great overviews of major history events and periods, with funny narration and visuals
- Tantacrul — fairly unknown essayist on music, with well researched material and nice takes :P
- Then & Now — possibly my favorite atm (alongside hbomberguy); extremely well researched and presented video essays about history, politics and philosophy; very underrated imo
Did not expect the ethoslab shout out, I fell off a while back but I followed his videos pretty religiously for many years back in the 2010s; even when I was going through times where I burned myself out on playing MC.
Dude is super wholesome and I loved how his videos kinda just felt like hanging out with a friend. Ive checked on him since and I respect that he has not changed at all, love him dearly. But it just doesnt hit the same for me as it did back then. I hope he keeps doing what he loves as long as that’s still the case!
Very well put, he makes an effort of bringing you along, which is a nice thing for a younger audience. I never stopped liking his relaxed style, though. His videos are one of those things I always reserve some time to enjoy.
I guess a lot of people on Lemmy indirectly know Tantacrul, he’s the product manager for Audacity and head of design for MuseScore.
Yeah, I suppose. His channel has less than 500k subs, though, so I always like to recommend it :P
Wish over simplified was still a thing. They moved to patreon for getting demonetized having videos about war.
Oh really? Was not aware of that at all. Their recent videos about the second Punic Wars were incredible.
I agree, but go to their channel and see how often they release content now vs a couple years ago. It’s like he covers one thing a year now.
True, it’s been much more slow paced. Thought it was because the videos took much more time to make, wasn’t aware he was quite active on Patreon.
I wish there was an actual alternative to YouTube. I believe arm chair historian is going through the same thing but I think he gets paid more for sponsors so it doesn’t affect him as much. I’m also getting tired you YouTube blurring our minutes of video when they show dead bodies from war or other visuals they deem necessary to blur. I watch a ton of ww1 and ww2 documentary’s on the timeline channel and even some of mark feltons videos are getting blurred. It’s insane.
I subscribe to many channels, but only a few I rarely miss a video from:
NileRed - Chemistry
Ahoy - Video game essays
This Old Tony - Hobby machinist
The Slow Mo Guys - Slow motion
Stuff Made Here - Ridiculous inventions
Technology Connections - Technology deep dives
Honorable mentions:
SmarterEveryDay - Exploring the world using science
Practical Engineering - Explaining engineering practices
frank howarth - Calm woodworking projects
Plus 1 for Ahoy! So happy he seems to be back making videos a bit more consistently.
If you like This Old Tony, you might like Inheritance Machining
I have been using youtube for many years and have never subscribed to anything. I always think they will just overload my email. But every youtuber asks for it and am still like nah. Is it worth it?
Subscribing to a YouTube channel doesn’t involve your email, unless they have a newsletter, but that’s voluntary.
Subbing to a tuber just means their channel is in your “subscriptions” list, and if you enable notifications, you’ll know when they upload.
I started doing it because at some point many years ago, Youtube started to optimize their recommendation algorithms for maximum viewer retention. This led to more and more clickbait and drawn out videos in recommendations and homepage.
But on the subscription page, I know there will be a sea of quality videos to choose from, without having to sift through all the junk.
- Mr. Ballen - Spooky stories, true crime, weird dark stuff, also sometimes some of the funniest ad reads on YouTube
- 74 Gear - Aviation stories, accidents, pilot breakdowns / critiques of random aviation videos from social media
- Mentour Pilot - Aviation accident breakdowns, somewhat more professional
- Summoning Salt - Gaming and speedruns and speed run breakdowns
- Karl Jobst - Gaming and speedruns and cheating in speedruns and legal issues and why Billy Mitchell is a huge piece of shit
- 3Blue1Brown - The man with the world’s most soothing voice explains super complex mathematics in some of the best and clearest explained videos (visuals incredibly polished and also very soothing) I have ever seen. His series on linear algebra is no joke superior education compared to 2 full semesters of linear algebra I took in undergrad
I like Legal Eagle (lawyer gives some good context for current events especially), Some More News (deep dives into social or political issues), and Plain Bagel (finance). I’m not a big YouTube person but these are literally the only three I’ll go check if they have new content.
iilluminaughtii causing her own downfall by trying to go after LE was nothing short of spectacular. Her channel’s completely dead now.
A lot of the channels I like have already been listed (more than once) by others, so I will just mention my top current favorites and few that haven’t been mentioned.
- SuperfastMatt -He’s a former Tesla engineer that hobby builds custom vehicles like an offroad Dodge Viper and a land-speed car
- HyperspacePirate -he’s a guy building his own diy cryocooler while doing all sorts of at-home refrigeration refinement utilizing off the shelf materials.
- Max Miller -He’s an educational cook that seems to speak to the former Alton Brown crowd.
- ThisOldTony -He’s a pair of machinist hands 🙌 that shows people the fundamentals of how to work with metal while also being entertaining
- Extractions&Ire -He’s a mad chemist from the southern hemisphere
- The Thought Emporium -He’s an amateur mad bio-engineer who among other things is working to create an array of rat neurons that he can teach to play Doom
Nilered is a mad chemist from the northern hemisphere that also barely makes content anymore so I can’t list him
I also love most of the content creators that are apart of Nebula.
Most of mine are videogame or car related, but here’s a few from across the spectrum of things I watch:
Aliensrock: Interesting streamer/YouTuber who primarily plays puzzle games and provides entertaining commentary.
ScrapMan: Plays lots of building/engineering games (mostly Scrap Mechanic and Trailmakers). Lots of silly multiplayer competitions and “engineering challenges”.
ItsJabo: Funny guy Streamer that plays Bethesda games with silly challenge runs. Also brings a bit of the chaotic energy.
Joov: same as above, but a bit more focused on telling a story throughout the challenge runs.
Aging Wheels: Eccentric guy that makes videos about eccentric cars. He’s quite funny and passionate which makes for good videos.
Superfast Matt: Engineer who makes ridiculous project cars that are good enough ™️. He’s made a land speed car, and recently an Off-road Dodge Viper.
Allen Pan: Inventor that makes a bunch of fun and silly projects sometimes based on stuff from TV shows and movies.
Incognito Mode: Especially the “In the Field” series. Basically an animated podcast where the Internet Historian and a guest talk about a variety of topics and come up with ridiculous scenarios.
Tasting History: Max Miller makes cool recipes from history whilst also giving a history lesson on the meal and its significance.
I love the humor of superfast matt :D
CallMeKevin if you’re into video games and someone who doesn’t take them too seriously
Atomic Shrimp - He’s an older British guy that does a variety of videos. Everything from tech related projects, scambating, gardening, hikes, and foraging.
My favorite videos of his are his ‘Weird Stuff in a Can’ videos.
• Vinesauce, both Joel and Vinny.
• Jacob Gellar has awesome videos.
• Perun does really good work with Military analysis stuff.
• Wendigoon is super wholesome and also has good videos.
• Drifter’s Broadcast is a more recent discovery, but his Xcom challange videos are awesome.
• Max Miller has wonderful videos.
• Strat-edgy is really funny
• Mikeburnfire and ZachHazard are really funny. There are more but I cant think of them.
Edit 1: Oh my, it didnt paragraph oops
Edit 2: Fixed it!
• Max Miller has wonderful videos.
Tasting History really scratches my nutritional anthropology itch. (RIP Deb Duchon, as seen on Good Eats)
Atun-Shei Films
A couple of atheism/philosophy channels that helped me focus on the positive aspects of my secular worldview, instead of merely being not theistic:
Made major improvements to my home cooking routine:
- Adam Ragusea. His podcast, which he stopped doing this year, is also worth a listen.
- Rainbow Plant Life. Vegan.
- Derek Sarno. Also vegan.
Culture & current events:
- Joan Westenberg. She just started a YouTube channel a couple days ago, but I’ve been subscribing to her newsletter for a few months and it’s great. Give her a follow on Mastodon, too:
- Maggie Mae Fish Only just found this one, but seems well thought-out.
- Tara Mooknee Same here.