This was already debunked awhile ago. it’s bullshit. no restaurant, regardless of how poorly they’re doing, is going to go through all this work to maybe, just mabye, get $50 out of them.
This was thankfully debunked as fake
Edit; I looked for the post, I couldn’t find it, IM SORRY. There was evidence that she made it up for clout but I don’t remember anything more than that.
So it doesn’t actually work well when you say that the claim without source was debunked… And you also don’t provide source.
Whatchoo talking about, bro?
The meme itself is not even a source.
Like, me saying I had lunch with sasquatch is not something someone needs to rigorously debunk.
I mean I get what you’re saying but… One is a hairy apeman people claim to see in the woods, the other is companies doing something unethical and shady to improve their bottom line which there is absolutely precedent for.
Yeah it’s unlikely this story is real but your analogy makes no sense
Both are things people will believe without evidence because they want to believe it.
A hairy ape man in the woods is cool. Shitting on businesses is cool.
This is fake but it makes me wonder if someone has used a fake profile (that is set up to be more appealing than they actually are) so they could “swoop in” by pretending to notice they were “stood up”.