Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, from Team Reptile, is out today! Team Reptile is best known for Lethal League and Lethal League Blaze. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is frequently described as a spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio.

I have no idea how this game will review, but it’s been on my wishlist for a good while. I love Lethal League, and all of the trailers for BRC have showcased incredible music and style:

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Official Release Trailer

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Official Special Trailer

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - Official Movestyle Teaser

How can you watch those and not want to play this game?

  • Gamma
    62 years ago

    Lethal League rocked, I’ll have to try this out!

    • i.R.n00b
      32 years ago

      Oh, this was made by the same folks?!? That’s awesome! The vibe and music in Lethal League was awesome, and this game looks to have it in spades

  • aclarkc
    62 years ago

    JSR is my all time favorite game. I probably had 20 hours alone on the demo disc that contained just the first level. I can’t wait to play Bomb Rush Cyberfunk tonight.

    2 years ago

    Loving it so far!

    My only complaint is that I can’t use my own music. I literally just want to add in the JSRF OST!

    22 years ago

    Played a few hours. Really enjoying it so far. The music is killer, but the best thing is the responsive controls. I tried to go back and play JSR a few years ago and boy was it aggravating to control.

    Also you don’t have to collect paint cans anymore.

    Anyway it oozes JSRF from every pore. The vibes are immaculate.