Like Fluoride or Oxygen.

    52 years ago

    I have a feeling that alcohol will come to be viewed in a similar way we now look at religion. It’s a cultural artefact from an ignorant time. It serves some purpose and there is a basic utility but overall it has a toxic effect. I hear that research is ongoing to find a credible alternative molecule without the deleterious health outcomes.

    Western society has a generally incoherent and childish attitude to substances. Some are viewed as evil e.g. heroin but when this drug turns up in a therapeutic setting, it inexplicably becomes medicinal i.e. diacetylmorphine, which is the acceptable face of heroin, used for terminal cancer treatment.

    No substance should be viewed as either panacea or disaster. They are tools that we can use when the time and place is appropriate. We ought to educate ourselves and have honest conversations. Prohibition is getting in the way of this effort and it must go. In it’s place we install education, healthcare and hygiene for the mind.

    Happy to find a fellow psychonaut. What’s your next project in this area? I am considering a psychedelic voyage to the Netherlands.

      32 years ago

      Haha, I am a bit on the older side and basically have took all my trips. I have a hallucinagen stash for every couple years with my wife, but that’s about it. I have tried almost everything at this point.

      I would like to take one of those camel desert treks, where before bed you get to smoke opium and then cuddle with a camel for warmth while you sleep. That sounds like the best nights sleep possible… Although it’s relatively weak opiate, opium is supposedly a very unique high compared to other opiates. My uncle did it decades ago and he said it was one of the best times of his life. Unfortunately there are few countries that offer the experience, and a few of them are going through very dangerous internal strife. (I mean the countries don’t support the drug use, they just turn a blind eye)