AFAIK it all boils down to the fact that during embryonal development our cells, which at that point were just a blob of undifferentiated autonomous chemical machines, somehow managed to unanimously agree upon the cardinal directions (up-down, left-right, front-back) for future development - and thanks to this, we don’t have toes growing out of our ears.

    32 years ago

    This is just based on an offhand comment from a lecturer during a practical session during my time studying animal management in college, not directly from a biology lecturer so citation needed, but apparently rabbits don’t have a combined windpipe/digestive tract and it means that a blocked nose can kill them. So even if choking wasn’t a thing we’d have to worry about something blocking our noses and suffocating us.

    • Otter
      72 years ago

      Oh that’s actually a good point, so there are upsides as well.

      Movies would also look really silly when someone would get killed by having their nose pinched closed