My cat keeps waking me up. Causing me to have a grumpy day. If my cat or any animal was prevented normal sleep would they get grumpy/agitated like humans?

  • D2L
    32 years ago

    They do. I have cats and worked on giving them active periods in the day so they would quit waking me up all night. They were grumpy lil buggers for a bit. They now have settled into getting up midday for a playfest that keeps them from reigning chaos through the night.

      • D2L
        12 years ago

        Get out toys and treats and play. I’m a crazy cat lady too, so I have a stroller to go on walks in, harnesses to go out in the yard with. At first they would fall over, just lay in the grass, had to throw treats on their head to get em moving. Starting younger helps, no bad habits to fix.