Current ad free plans for Disney+ and Hulu are now raising $3 more on October 12. Both becoming $13.99 and $17.99.

    2811 months ago

    To be fair, Spotify might suck for artists, but for users it’s a good value in my opinion, and the price was $9.99 for like 10 years. I don’t begrudge them a small increase. In fact, I wish all the price increases we’ve seen lately would be so modest.

        911 months ago

        Especially when they’ve a) acknowledged that none of their money is actually going to the artists and b) they’re in a piracy subreddit. People gotta stop shilling for music streaming services here, it’s indefensible on every level.

          811 months ago

          Some of us old timers remember the bad old days when a CD with two songs you actually liked cost $17.99 (about $35-40 in today’s dollars). As bad as Spotify and others are it sure beats what we had before.

            411 months ago

            Yes, let’s just pretend digital downloads haven’t existed for longer than streaming services and solve this problem completely.

    • Cliffjumper
      711 months ago

      Oh no, I completely agree and I continue with it because I really like the service. It just so happens that it’s on top of a whole raft of other increases, some of which are absolutely not justified.

      311 months ago

      Imo paying a monthly fee and not getting something in return you can still use if you fall on bad times in such uncertain times as today makes zero sense. Rent more than doubled in the past 3 years and my wage actually went down, there is zero oppertunity to build a better life and now every silly business wants me to increase my monthly expenses by another 5/20 bucks per service per month, compared to an era where we just bought shit for cheap from the discount bin when we didn’t make a lot of money.

      I’ll “ARRRR!” the whole way until they behave and life becomes affordable again.

      I stopped working out because i can’t afford the food needed to properly benefit from a workout. Whey used to be a cheap way to get protëine and it went up 350% in the past 2 years. Eggs, chicken, peanuts, vegetables all doubled in price. I’m left eating a roll of cheap cookies just to get some food in me half the time.